
I know we're shopping for sweaters here, but I waaaaaant these shoes. Cute, light non-sandal flats with ankle straps are my Moby Dick right now. How the world taunts me, showing me the shoes I want in a catalog, but from another time. Call me Ishmael.

What spoiled this blog for - other than Tim being a total dickwad - was the conspicuous omission of something that regular couples deal with on any given occasion: money. Disposable income is clearly not a concern for these two if they're ordering all their meals from restaurants, attending weekly couples therapy,

I know!! I also used to hate 80s fashion when I was a little kid at the time, but now all those loose-fitting t-shirts and big sweaters look so carefree and happily oblivious to (today's version of) sanctioned sexiness. I exercise in big t-shirts I get from old work events and things like that, and I always get very

I'm insufferable but why won't anyone date me qq

The members of ALM recognize an important truth: the Old Boys' Club of fraternities are a huge part of the legacy power structures in this country. Part of the impetus for starting ALM, Mahmoud says, was so that the members of ALM could get closer to members of other more long-standing fraternities and "develop

Wonder what happens if you butt-dial a booty call?

It reminds me of a Courtney Martin quote - "We are a generation of young women who were told we could do anything, and instead heard that we had to be everything." Sounds like the fellas heard that message, too...

I've met some dumb-as-dogshit Ph.D.s. A Ph.D. is no guarantee of intelligence.

I can't explain the bad YA fiction but I always figured that the boy band thing is because they are starting to notice boys but overly masculine men/boys are too intimidating. The boy band members are usually less masculine and therefore non threatening. (Source: observing my daughter and her friends)

NERD RAAAAGEEEEEE I want this guys address. Im going to write a treatise on "N" numbers on poster board, wrap it around a bat, and whack him about the neck and shoulders with it until he screams "OFTEN HIGH N NUMBERS ARE GOOD AND CAN REDUCE VARIABILITY" because SCIENCE, MOTHERFUCKER.

So this is what happens when

I'm sorry, but are you fucking kidding me with this post? You don't know what you're talking about; do some fucking research.

I knew I shouldn't have clicked on the video, but I did and now I'm crying because a little 7-year-old is crying because she thinks people don't like her hair. Someone made a little girl cry because of her hair. A LITTLE GIRL! I want to give her a big hug and a kiss and invite her over to pet my cats and eat ice

Well, geez, what else would you stuff food with?

Everyone needs to have at least 2 hot comb burns (preferably on the nape of the neck) before they can even open their mouths about the hair of Black women.

A friendly reminder that all my skinfolk ain't my kinfolk. And that beautiful child's hair bow is adorable. Fuck these dudes, tbh.

LOL, you fell for one of the classic blunders!

Why yes, thank you, I'll take a big ole serving of intra-racism with a side order of respectability politics, followed by stomping on a little girl's self-esteem for dessert. Sheesh. As Hurston said long, long ago: "all my skinfolk ain't kinfolk".

The best part about this is that they're getting away with banning hairstyles that are either (1) the natural state of a black person's hair or (2) as close to natural as we've worn it in a long time.

I'm about to play the Slight Devil's Advocate here, but before I do I'd like to preface by saying my immediate reaction to this was

but they are called ghettos bc of the institutional issues in place that keep ghettos of black urban poor in existence (see the history of segregation, restrictive covenant laws, employment discrimination, poor public school system, police violence (in that sense, there IS a military in place of sorts controlling poor