
I saw a video on YouTube where monkeys would swipe the sunglasses off tourists’ heads and return them for a ransom. They are scary-smart.

Wouldn’t surprise me if she got a taste of what we call “civilization” and elected to go back with the monkeys.

I am totally of the era for these ads yet never saw them before. Yeah, they are highly entertaining, but they don’t pretend to be making any deep statements about anything — I think that is one of the more annoying factors in the latest failed Pepsi ad.

I’m guessing some people actually WANT the weird tan lines. No accounting for taste or lack thereof.

The closest thing I remember people using a decade or two ago was “conscious.”

The Charlie ad reminded me of this one too.

I think sometimes the array of multiculti models is wearing Benetton clothes, but not all the time so very confusing.

You can’t even make this stuff up because it’s too aptly absurd.

It is unsafe because what they are wearing will not protect them in any emergency I can imagine.

All the ways that I have been encouraged to change to “get a man” are not exactly improvements to my way of thinking (“Don’t act smart! Straighten your hair!”). Who gets to decide what counts as a flaw that goes in the binder?

Ironically, it was when people here started ending their sentences with “how bow dat” that I became aware of this thing and just waited to find out where the catchphrase came from. I live under a rock, more or less, and don’t have TV in any language.

Bad enough this is sexist, it’s unsafe as well.

Only thing better is to see her LIVE.

Or the classic Akon ode to a woman of the adult entertainment profession: “I Wanna [Love] You” — same substitution. Additional substitution for radio edit: “the floor” for “that pole.”

The radio edit of course said “tonight I’m loving you” but the original got through enough times that everyone knows what he meant.

Who would eat that though?

Creepy! Creepy in the name of creepy. I especially don’t appreciate that they made it a lefty. What are you trying to say?!

As so many stories here attest this is neither a new thing nor limited to India. I have a few stories of my own from Turkey.

Subtract teeth, add feathers — cannot unsee

What I got from that story at the age of seven was, “What are these white people doing in India? and why do the snakes want them out?”