I’m imagining him enlivening a fondue party, or a weiner roast.
I’m imagining him enlivening a fondue party, or a weiner roast.
Thanks for that. I just looked this guy up and learned something. He’s so weird though, that I am surprised he chose to go by his boring, normal birth name.
This reminds me so much of the old Robert Townsend movie Hollywood Shuffle. It’s basically the Indian/Middle Eastern stereotype edition.
Me too! I will have to get some more bay leaves to keep them away.
I am pretty sure they pump some of it full of air, which is blasphemy.
Yeah, and then if she’s “outstanding” she’s also “intimidating.”
Not even then.
In whiskey veritas.
I have known toddlers who were more thoughtful and better behaved.
“MADE IN CHINA” — big surprise there.
Shade is too subtle for these times. Yahoos like these don’t get it and don’t care. If we’re appropriating expressions from the gay community, I want to see more people being “read for filth.”
As another Old, I get that they’re kind of ephemeral mass inside jokes. Can’t get every one. Sometimes even if I understand what they’re about, they’re still not funny.
Once you’ve lived through it, you recognize it when you see it, as many have said above.
And fill up those for-profit prisons too.
вот это страшная ерунда!
I am so mad now, I had a brilliant idea but I’m outside the US so too bad.
If it was an emergency kind of thing, he could have turned it inside out.
I’d dance with him. Talking is optional.
Her performance has become a standard, at least for me, of how a witch is supposed to sound.
Worse and worse!