
Here’s a pretty compelling argument that Luke Skywalker didn’t blow up the Death Star.

Japanese guy wins a race and this guy clutches his Pearl Harbors.


So that lazy asses like me don’t have to bother taking it off!

I mean, I guess it stands but it’s not related to the content of the article at all.

Counterpoint: They’d have gotten just as many clicks with the headline, “Lemony Snickett announces second season in delightfully depressing way” or something along those lines. Clickbait doesn’t have to be complaining or dismissive to be effective, especially on sites like io9, where we’re basically a bunch of geeks

Okay, so without reading through the comments, I’m 99% certain I’m going to be re-hashing previously stated opinions...

This news makes me feel ebullient, a word which here means, “Filled with overwhelming energetic joy, as when one accepts a free and unprompted hard-boiled egg from a stranger only to find it improbably filled with money and psychedelic drugs”.

Just name the new ones “Drunk RedacTED Talks”


umm no sorry didn’t you read the article all women like it all women like the same things getting a woman off is just like a video game up up down down ABAB down down up start

Yeah, I get it - she’s not exactly likable. But this clip just seemed to scream “abuse” at me. In one of the social organizations in which I’m involved, there was a woman who was a leader in the group but always seemed kind of standoffish and short with me. I could take her or leave her. About a year after I’d met

I gotta give these right wing/alt right/whatever they are called at the moment assholes credit, they’ve learned how to game the system. They ask to speak at a college campus. The college administration, concerned about being portrayed a bastions of the left in the right wing media which could affect enrollments agree

An excellent apology. Good.

Trump being a political pawn of the Kremlin, if true, is not something that falls under the category of “dumb BS”, that’s the makings of a new election and bordering on a hot war with Russia. The if is huge, and this sounds too good to be true to anyone who’s concerned about the course of our nation for the next four

Not so good comment.

Except Aimee doesn’t sound happy about it at all. She sounds miserable as hell, like being alone is not something she wants but something she must get used to. Resigned to her fate so to speak.

Yeah, sometimes I eat things outside of the 20 or so reviews I do a year.

Cats are great, terrible owners are the ones who are the worst.

This was a curiously satisfying article to read, and one of the better streamer profiles the site has done.