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Sam Seder dissecting the interview that Alex Jones had with Michael Rotondo, the 30 year old guy who got kicked out of the house by his parents, had me in tears.

Something is missing:

Tragic. One wonders if this situation could’ve been avoided if Uber cars were more readily identifiable, perhaps all painted and designed in a specific uniform pattern, their drivers also unionized and licensed specifically to insure a certain degree of safety to both the passenger and driver alike. These driver’s

They didn’t TAKE any bait. They chose to believe this explanation because the alternative, the truth, was, for them, worse.

Funny how kneeling during the anthem disrespects the vets, but denying them health benefits is A-OK.

This is completely accurate, and there’s not enough alcohol in the world to ease the pain of that fact.

Can we talk about the Wilpons and Madoff? Because, man, describing them as having been “hornswoggled” is a very generous interpretation of the facts. Don’t mean to give you shit, Roth, because it wouldn’t have made sense to relitigate that issue in the middle of an article that ultimately isn’t about Madoff. But it

He could be economically anxious. Or part of America’s forgotten middle class. Maybe he’s a victim of the opiod crisis. Or involuntarily celibate. But really I’m sure he was polite to his neighbors and a fan of country music.

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.

Okay, I’ll bite. Why not.

Kindly disagree. I think the more apt comparison would be judging a cake on how it looks. A cake isn’t a good cake if it tastes bad, like a band isn’t a good band if their music sucks. But a visual components can enhance an already good cake as well as a solid band. Of course, often all that glitz is just makeup for

So, by your own logic, you’re a bad coach and embarassed by your own playcalling?

Found the white person!

Men don’t care. They never did. As long as they’re white and straight, this doesn’t affect them at all. 

I hate to think of it this way, but part of me must, particularly in light of the Tunsil example:

No offense, but maybe the title should have been:

Yeah, we know. Trump was elected because racist people want to keep being racist and celebrate racist people.

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

Aren’t we trying that whole “break it” thing right now?

I hate the two-party system, and it’s also stupid for people to vote third party as it stands today. Those aren’t incompatible thoughts. Third parties are simply not viable in a winner-takes-all system. This merely splits the vote (look at why Democrats in California were afraid this latest primary when it had too