
live albums don’t count

agree. in a world where everything is Star Wars, Marvel, or Batman, ambition counts.

of course OSU was justified in storming the field. any day Penn State loses should be a national holiday for chrissakes

I’ve always read it as implying the person is butthurt from sitting in a chair (at a computer, complaining on the internet) instead of like being outside or something


LOL indeed

1. if you’re looking to Deadspin for journalistic integrity or consistency, you’re gonna have a bad time

literally why do you care so much about this. all the gawker/kinja sites are bled into each other... why do you care ???

idk probably for the same reason they call car chases in movies “car chases” instead of “scripted car movements designed to look like a chase”????


lol @ owning a car in NYC

the dude has Fuck You money, you think he gives a shit?

Rich people can literally do anything they want in this country, period, fucking exclamation point


“End the guessing game of whether or not they read your text?” OF COURSE THEY READ YOUR TEXT. There’s no guessing game. If it’s urgent I’ll write back, if not,you gotta just wait #TeamNoReceipts

super nice, except for that whole fascist apologist thing

this comment expresses so much about how I feel about life

i think you just missed the point of the article

only a fool gets killed for a car.