They use the Jimney's primarily for 4x4 tours, and rental cars near the resort communities. We were advised not to rent a car in Cuba, if you get into an accident...regardless of fault you have to remain in the country until trial. That could be weeks or months. I would say that the average Cuban would take any…
@Baby Beater Benz: Many of the heavier Yank Tanks are running Isuzu Diesel engines/tansmissions from older Japanese trucks. Some also use Soviet Diesel engines, but those parts are getting hard to come by. I was talking to a Cuban taxi driver, who owned a very pristine Chevy...he showed me that his is running the…
@grzydj: No Cuban I ever met on my travels hated driving a Yank tank. It is actually a privelidge to have a car in Cuba, and the American cars are the most desireable.
@RH77: Anyone who owns or drives any "ex police" or police looking vehicle is a first rate douchebag.
@SDSpeed: Previous to my MS3, I drove a "flashier but much slower car" and police hassled me a few times a year. Then I get the MS3(black) and bam, I blend in...but can keep up to almost anything.
I feel for you man, when I heard that grinding it my stomach turned. You did the right thing bringing the issue to Jalop...they get a lot of exposure and this could really help you out. I just don't want to see you have to spend thousands on a lawyer...just to get this rectified. After all you plunked down your…
@jmatero: The dealers know exactly how to dodge the lemon law...they just say they fix something different every time. The lemon law doesnt state that transmission work in general qualifies for buyback...even if you have had to take it back 3 times. The dealer can just say they did something else to the…
@BigEngineSmallCar: I agree, they could easily get Tremec to configure one of their transmissions for mass production...i would gladly pay the extra couple hundred in cost just to know I am getting a good product.
European Truck Racing. I first thought this was a silly fringe motor sport but now have massive respect for the drivers of this sport. I was listening to a podcast that had one of the drivers as a guest, and he was saying that this type of racing scares the bejezus out of regular race drivers. The high center of…