
Typo in the article headline

So your article that you are poaching an interview from polygon it seems, doesn’t bring up anyone being upset.

It would be awesome to go back to a time when people didn’t race to be the first person offended at something just so they can get twitter famous for 5 minutes.

Truly a great piece of news in video games today. When you update your fanfiction on your deviant art account I’ll be sure to rush it over to the Washington Post for the front page spot.

Maybe developers will actually put some work into making a good game instead of victimizing their customers with practices that clearly go against UDAAP.

“After 4 years of being a manager and dealing”

Leonardo, Michaelangelo, and Raphael all seem to be mixed up.

I like how Blizzard is purposely making a bad experience to cover the tracks that they ruined WoW from Cataclysm .1 patch and onward.

Hur Hur. Look at how inclusive we are. Keep buying our products you shee- I mean progressive feminists!

So when are you all going to write an article on this woman?

This is news. Congrats on this excellent article. You should be proud.

Super Smash bros now featuring Dante from the devil may cry series.

Staged. That’s now how people react to losing 5 years of progress. He wanted to be done and make a spectacle of himself as well.

It’s made by the guy who made the last blood-borne game. A lot of the cards don't the matically make sense and it doesn't go into the intricacies of the timing of certain actions. and they still haven't cleared up those concerns since the game came out years ago. I fully expect this to be pretty rough around the

Life at conception or life at birth debate would be laid to rest with hilariously terrifying results.

IIs this just an MCU marvel tie in game or will it actually have a full marvel roster ?

Now playing

Anything can be a success when you straight up lie, not only to fans, but on actual broadcast television.

Nice to see the talent has returned.

I think it’s terrifying that he hacked into her accounts and removed the ability to block him. To think if she just hit a single button he would no longer be able to communicate. He took both that and her ability to report this to the police when it was happening.

Actually you do. For that to happen the creators of the game have to qa an the entire game all over again. This costs time and money. How easy does easy need to be? What happens when lazy game reviewers under a time crunch pick easy for the quick review and give it a bad score.