
believe it or not, most people actually own and play more than one video game

Probably made in China

Man, I love Kotaku - but this article is such BS. What a click-baity headline. And yea, I know. Here I am commenting on it and reading it. You don’t gotta tell me the irony. But I dunno, sigh, I just.... I think more of Kotaku. This reminds me of those articles you see that lead to those horrible sites where it’s like

Some people prefer Dark Souls, other people prefer the Telltale Walking Dead games.

Love the new show Tim and Gita. One piece of constructive criticism I might offer: move the scripts closer to the camera in future episodes so your eye lines match up with the camera lens. As it stands, it’s a bit distracting to watch you guys speak while looking two inches to the left of the camera.

Quick, maybe there’s one in Infinite that makes it have a decent ending!

She looks like a Battleborn character.

Calling it now. She will be revealed as the first transgender Overwatch character.

Goku awkwardly steps into scene.

A knife can target any permanent or player at instant speed. In this case he casted 7 instances of knife, passed priority, his opponent chose not to cast anything in response, all 7 knife casts resolved, latest cast to earliest.

I saw blatant, near-exact copies—and we’re talking almost frame-for-frame copies—of Marth (Sword-Chick), Ganondorf (Orc Chick), Fox (Satyr Dude), and C. Falcon (Pharah-clone) in that trailer. In fact, the only character that looked semi-unique (and this is me ignoring the knee-jerk reaction to call them a Zero-Suit

Gundam: Federation vs. Zeon is still one of my all time favorite games. Gundam Vs. Zeta Gundam is pretty good too, but really is just a reskin of Fed. vs. Zeon.

It seems like they’ve stripped away the story and made it mostly a brawler now though.

I love how your gif really looks like an aimbot, with the crosshair snapping in the center of a fair target, then snapping on Genji a soon as he is done deflecting.

Brazil = Africa

This is the first time I’ve watched that clip, above. Jeebus Christ, could the dialogue not be more on-the-nose?

No understanding or appreciation for the source material. Paint-by-numbers style uninspired script writing. Overly contrived, superfluous set pieces. Limited or barely workable acting, directing, so forth. Over-reliance of cheesy gimmicks.

Twitch streaming didn’t almost kill you, being sedentary and not exercising almost did.

I’ll take anything but funkopop at this point. Hope there’s a Mei