
I don't see you starting a petition to let people in wheelchairs join the NFL.

Nice millennial/ gen z self entitled click bait article. Also there are a plethora of games an easy mode ruins. How many games out there gate content and story behind difficulties and don’t tell you until you’ve sunk hours in already.

There there. You can try again some other time for all us people he lied too and ripped off.

4 seconds in and I turned it off. Not listening to someone who tries to sound monotone as a joke.

If he doesn’t come back just scroll down this list every 3 minutes to simulate his professional writing style.

Thats right. You tell those poor pieces of shit to get better paying jobs if they want to have a modicrum amount of fun. People don’t deserve it if they can’t pay!

So instead of making a good game they decided to chat with people about the game they wished they were making. Time we'll spent.

I also believe it is unfair of these people to criticize the one thing you seem to able to write about. Let’s see them write the same article about each game that comes out!

Most of these are after someone has already consolidated the loan. Even then the forgiveness for a lot of these comes in the form of “taxable income” that year. So be prepared to pay taxes on that as well.

Actually once it goes into default the co signers and guarantors are out of the picture. You die. Someone sends in proof of your debt. It's "forgiven".

When did it start being ok for “journalist” to receive free shit from their friends and write reviews as news articles?

Why can’t he just cheat on his wife or salute nazis like all the other popular streamers?

Lovely clickbait millennial “I’m outraged about things that you didn’t know about” article. It’s a widely known fact Lovecraft was a xenophobe, but that loosened as the years went on.

“Women do something men do every day and expect to be rewarded” the article.

Nice white knighting a fake girl. Not the first time eh Nathan? Maybe you should do your job as a journalist of some kind instead of creating an article about hearsay? Shame you didn't get to sleep with Ellie before you wrote the article.

Nice ground breaking news there. I wish I could get paid to repost memes.

Entertaining thought, but when red/ green has kill on turn 4 (or even 3) because WotC doesn’t know how to regulate power creep and keeps it’s hard core addicts playing, the point is moot.

Way to go, not even posting a link to the video. This is Journalism? Describing a you tube video?

*spoiler* It’ll come from the same pile a trash that Dragon Age 2, Inquisition, ME3 and ME:A came from.

Nice one. Re posting these several year old articles or truly news worthy.