
There's no comparison to be made between Tetris and Wolfenstein, either, but they're still both games.

Great, now I have to figure out what I did with that mic.

We're at least a year out from a consumer version. Probably more like two.

Justify it however you like, it's still stealing.

Is there something wrong with having a fetish for asian women? Are we calling people out for their sexual preferences now?

I've watched this .gif like 30 times in a row, and this guy's reaction just keeps getting funnier.

Pretty much all demos say that at some point. At the very least it's an example of the type of tone Kojima is bringing to the game.

Welcome to next gen.

Yep. Still the best.

It's cool, but I still like my black one better.

I'd like to know why, in the midst of this, I was banned from commenting on Gawker. I didn't post any pics of any kind, offensive or otherwise, but yesterday afternoon I lost my Gawker posting privileges, and I don't know why.

I feel like you don't understand the concept of metaphor.

There was negligence all right. On the part of Ward, for leaving his vehicle in the middle of the race and putting himself in a position to be run over.

I don't see any ice in that "ice water."

"More games" is not the same as "more games I actually want to play."

If they had offered something like this instead of DRM, mandatory Kinect, and a required internet connection for single player games, there would have been no backlash.

This is literally nothing like what MS was criticized for.

Tony Stewart should absolutely be charged with manslaughter. A person is dead.

And yet people are looking at the video and seeing two different things:

There's no way they're going to charge Stewart with manslaughter for accidently running over a guy who ran out onto the track during a race. If you hit some asshole running across the highway, they don't give you manslaughter for it. This is no different.