Because all truth can be gathered from a ten second grainy cell-phone video shot from a bad angle.
Because all truth can be gathered from a ten second grainy cell-phone video shot from a bad angle.
"exclusive on Xbox for holiday 2015."
So, a bunch of stuff the 360 was doing 5 years ago?
In a game that's basically a "build your own dollhouse" simulator, not having one of the essential elements to the average "fantasy house" seems like a pretty huge oversight.
Oh, come on. After the SimCity fiasco nobody's buying your bullshit, EA.
My Steam account shows 150 hours, but that's not including the 100+ hours I spent on console before I converted my save files and switched over to PC.
You realize you are the outlier here, right?
And how do you suggest they do that when we don't have actual screenshots for comparison?
"Murderer" is way overblown. This kid walked out into traffic in the middle of a race. There was nothing on the video to indicate that Stewart hit him intentionally. The kid literally ran right at his car as he was making the turn.
Their names are Lindzie and Jordan
This just goes to show, no one actually knows the difference between "good" and "bad" wine.
The only people more played out than hipsters are anti-hipsters.
This was how I played games until I was 10 or 11 and got a color TV in my room.
That and the masks that fly around when you pick up a key inside the pots. That was scary shit when I was 7.
Ooh, that's the best one yet.
Of course, in the end they were all exactly the same flavor.
The same way your boss can fire you for buying a billboard that says "Fuck you, <insert name of your boss here>."
You're missing the point. These people are making money using IP that is not their own. If money is being made by using a particular IP, then the owner of that IP is entitled to compensation, regardless of any "lost sales."
Because fun is subjective.
Finally, someone willing to lay out the hard truths.