
Oklahoma. Nothing good has ever happened in Oklahoma.

If they created assets for the game, those assets can be put into the artist's portfolio (assuming the publisher doesn't prohibit them from doing so) and be used to help the artist land a new job.

I'm in Texas. I just don't buy cheap, shady shit from Mexico.

$60 for a game that's regularly on sale on Steam for $10 or less?

You're an idiot.

What the fuck does that even mean? As I said, my shit's domestic. I know where it comes from.

That's dumb, and you're dumb for saying it. There aren't any "Canadian cartels." No one's killing anyone over weed in Canada.

Because I've known the guy forever. I know the people he knows. I know where this stuff comes from.

What cartel? I get my pot from a white guy in the suburbs, and that shit sure isn't coming from south of the border.

But the Controller S pictured didn't come out until later.

Jesus, lighten up, Francis.

Your failure of a team and that failure of a newspaper deserve each other. And they both deserve you.

My immediate thought was Big Trouble in Little China.

If this is the case then why can't my grandmother figure out how to use her damned smartphone? She's had it for almost two years now, and I still get completely blank text messages from her on a regular basis.

I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying it's needlessly more difficult.

The story hasn't been good since AC2.

Depends on the premise of the games. Ludonarrative dissonance, and all that.

So, is this like, your beat? You cruise the internet looking for mildly interesting gameplay clips and pokemon news and repost it here, and they pay you for it?


It's always better to do the legwork yourself and cut out the middleman. People go to Gamestop to avoid that hassle, not because they give the most money.