
So instead they'd rather have him off the field making no money for them? This is a dumb decision no matter what perspective you take on it.

Would you want your employees, who are responsible for millions (or billions as a whole) of dollars per year to be sitting around smoking weed?

People with 15 nanograms per milliliter of THC in their urine are not under the influence of marijuana any more than a person with a 0.001 BAC is under the influence of alcohol.

Because you read the story wrong.

He can't afford insurance. The one thing he had just got wrecked.

The state wouldn't, but you could sue him. Of course, he can't afford insurance, so I'm not sure what you'd expect to get from him.

He was already pulled over when the cop showed up.

It's cheap as long as you don't have a history of accidents or moving violations.

You don't need a laugh track, but you do need to make people laugh, or what you're doing isn't comedy.

If a bunch of black guys came out in favor of the word "nigger" that wouldn't stop it from being an offensive racial slur, just like "redskins. "

It's been 13 years folks. Time to lighten up.

No, he's saying you need to buy a dozen boxes of ice cream sandwiches for science.

Yeah, but it reads like a textbook. No narrative flow at all.

Legolas's eyes were about eight different colors in the LotR trilogy.

Lighten up, Francis.

No, only since the beginning. I always though the biggest selling point was that it more or less invented dual stick FPS controls, thus ensuring FPS games a spot in console gaming, and being the most fun multiplayer console game of its generation.

And yet one of the biggest selling points of either Halo 3 or 4 was that Game-play looked just as good as the cut scenes.

That is a prerendered cutscene. It's right there in the title of the article.

I'm actually happy about this. It means I won't run into your surly ass in a multiplayer lobby.

Sure, if you were playing it wrong.