

You're young. You'll soon learn your fellow fans have been telling themselves that for decades.

You've been waiting a "short 2 years" for a long time, haven't you?

I starred him just to spite you.

Because there are people with money who don't play games, but will go to the movies.

What's so obnoxious and pointless about an actress publicly airing her annoyance that a major video game company attempted to deliberately used her likeness to sell their game for profit without her knowledge or consent?

"Nice to meet you in your face" will now be my go-to greeting.

How does this prevent art from remaining art? What does that even mean?

You're judging her based on one role where she isn't allowed to be funny or quick-witted. Outside of GoT, she's actually pretty smart and funny. I could see her pulling it off.

You realize the writer on this movie is the same writer from the game, right?

Considering that (a) she's too old by a long shot and (b) she threw a fit over the resemblance between herself and Ellie when the game came out, I think they'll stay as far from her as possible.

It was still obnoxious, pointless whining.

Frankly, I think it would make a better movie than a game. All of the major story points are told in cutscenes anyway. The gameplay really doesn't add much to the narrative.

After the tantrum she threw when the game released? I'd be staying as far from her as possible.

I'm pretty sure that's exactly why she's not being considered.

That's actually not bad.

Anecdotal, and different cultures surrounding the sports. And you're a racist dickbag.

This whole redesign is about as necessary as tits on a bull.

It's pretty clearly trolling.

In a word: overwrought