Neither do future ones, or theoretical ones:
Neither do future ones, or theoretical ones:
They're reviewing the movie, not the man.
The game or the screenshots?
I don't remember any PS1 games with those kind of graphics moving at that frame rate.
That's fine. You're a dishonest asshole, but part of being an asshole is that you don't care that you're an asshole, so I don't see that stopping you.
Sorry, here's a translation for assholes: There's no way to legally get it.
This hair looks....okay. I don't see the big deal.
I've never had a Seahawks fan go out of their way to tell me how classy they are.
in the long run.
It wasn't just Halo and Gears. It was the far superior online infrastructure, online store, and community features that were completely missing from the PS3. Not to mention getting better performing versions of most multiplatform games. Even with the hardware issues, the 360 was an objectively better (and cheaper)…
Right, and that's very likely to happen with the new consoles as well. The point is that going from a great console that dominated a generation to one that lags behind the competition in nearly every way is not limited to Microsoft. Sony was there just as badly at the beginning of last generation, and it took them…
My point is that it's not a matter of "cold-cocking" anyone. They bought a company, and that company had a bunch of people who did jobs that Microsoft already had people for. Redundancies like that are to be expected when two large companies merge, as are layoffs. It's not a comment on Microsoft as a company. It's…
What's bad about letting your child play outside?
It also lacked a decent online store, and it's online multiplayer functionality was lightyears behind the 360. I didn't even have party chat, FFS. Xbox wiped the floor with PS3 in terms of online infrastructure and community.
You say that but the PS3 for me turned out to be the strongest console last gen.
To be fair, 12,000 or those are redundant positions that they are eliminating after buying Nokia. That's pretty typical of a big corporate buyout like that.
But after the Xbox 360 I had no doubts. That system was AMAZING and revolutionized the way I used media.
This is why you wait, so you can buy a console, not a promise.
PC is pretty bad too...where the hell is Fallout 4 or Borderlands 3 or Half Life 4 or Portal 3 or a new Skyrim