
Almost all labor is economically coerced under capitalism. You average fully clothed barista is economically coerced as well. At least these ladies weren't so horribly underpaid.

No matter what I do, my internal clock wants me to go to sleep around 4 am and wake up around noon. Even if I'm tired, I'm probably not sleeping until late unless I have pills. And then I'll still want to sleep til noon.

Church members have been calling them names and impacting their profits — I don't doubt that at least some of them went of their own accord.

Escorts can and do earn an awful lot of money, but $40,000 a night is highly unlikely. And it takes a while to build a career to the point where you can charge huge amounts. You can speed it up if you're a famous porn star, but otherwise you'll need reviews and stuff. A Hollywood celebrity could probably charge that

Just saying, that's not how the law would see it. Pimping laws tend to define ANYONE who takes money from a sex worker as a pimp, and they don't care much about context. Under Swedish law, my roommates, my landlord, a lot of my closest friends, and the lady who runs the safe, clean, well-equipped space I rent from

Under most pimping laws currently in existence, the "brokerage firms" you're imagining would be defined as pimps.

The guy I lost my virginity to used refer to his penis as his "fuckstick" during sex. "Yeah, you like my fuckstick" and stuff like that. He was quite experienced and I was really really not, so while I found it a bit silly I just assumed it was a normal thing that people said during sex.

We have laws against rape, we have laws against assault, we have laws against sex trafficking.

That's good, at least. Do keep in mind that criminalization of clients is still criminalization — you don't help poor, vulnerable women by cutting off their income source.

No it doesn't. It results in increased stigma and ends up backdoor criminalizing the workers, making their lives much more dangerous. Sweden also keeps getting sex workers kicked out of their apartments, so yeah, Sweden is soooooooo nice to sex workers and cares about us sooooo much.

That's because of stigma, and criminalization sure as hell doesn't make it go away. Legalization often supports stigma — some of the laws in Nevada are basically all about making sure that sex workers don't fraternize with the general public. This is a big part of why I strongly support decriminalization over

Legalization always works out in favor of big business. Total decriminalization is much better.

Sex Workers in New Zealand, where sex work is completely decriminalized, have significantly lower STI rates than the general population. The hubs is significantly likelier to bring home a bug from that girl he met at the bar and and had sex with for free.

Part of protecting your unborn child is providing for him once he's born. Pregnant teenagers are not known for their stable finances or their ability to balance new motherhood with a job that pays enough to take care of things. Neither are 25 year old men, at least not in this economy. Even with a lot of more or less

Depression can do a number on your sex drive sometimes.

Sometimes. People tend to choose the hierarchy that puts them nearest the top.

She got a ton of publicity, it fucked with her life in a big way, and she's using it to make money and spread her views. She made lemonade. Why are people so bothered by that?

Depends on who you ask.

Bell Knox got assaulted, therefore she cannot be a feminist. Okay.

Where in the article does she say that?