
A top tier university she can't afford without her job.

Oh, fuck off. She's having sex on camera. She's not stomping into your bedroom and demanding you have pornier sex. This is a bit like blaming a burger-flipper at McDonald's for poor treatment of animals.

"Based on our estimates, a pimp can make half a million dollars a year with three women working for him, each seeing an average of 20 clients a day, each for 15 minutes,"

Bit of a false equivalence. Most non-parents have had the experience of being parented, which I think is a valid POV on most parent-related issues.

I'd dock major stars from a bar that made me pay $2.50 for water — fucking irresponsible for a bar, IMO — but I can't even imagine putting that much effort into complaining about it.

Friend of mine got fired from a bartending gig after a bad yelp review. The reviewer complained that she was "surly" and went on a rant about how horrible it is that all these awful greedy bartenders feel entitled to a tip "just for opening a beer."

A little while ago I was chatting with some friends and we all started comparing the most ridiculous places we'd had sex.

You do realize the that public and private acts of charity aren't mutually exclusive?

How would you know if she did?

Somewhere like NYC is pretty well equipped to deal with snow because we get it often. Atlanta isn't, and it would be very cost-ineffective for them to snow-proof themselves when they get a few inches ever ten years.

I had sex on shrooms once and it was very odd. I got distracted mid-BJ and just started playing with his dick in a completely non-sexual way. Just waving it around and stuff.

She absolutely doesn't have to be restricted to trans roles! That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that it's very difficult for trans actors to make it in Hollywood because they simply don't get a lot of work. They are almost always cast in trans roles only, and trans roles are often taken by cis actors, which

I might be wrong, but aren't both of those relatively vanilla?

Vegas, more likely. Florida prosecutes for obscenity, and Arizona is boring,

If she were cisgender there's a chance she might have had a much more successful acting career due to not being restricted to trans roles.

I really don't know why more people aren't using the t-word.

It's not that mentally damaged people choose sex work, it's that disadvantaged people do, and those disadvantages tend to come with serious financial consequences.

Yeah, maybe do a little more research? While many feminists support sex worker rights, a LOT of feminists — big name, influential feminists, not just fringey tumblr radfems — are very anti sex work and support "end demand" policies that put sex workersin danger.

I just finished this book and it was awesome. She's hysterical. Looking forwards to this.

I'm already naked on the internet. I don't have to care about this.