
The porn industry isn't going to change, and the ladies are going to be having the same kind of sex except with condoms. It's easy to play hardline feminist when your body parts aren't the ones at risk.

During my most prolific casual sex phase I was incapable of having an orgasm with a partner. I enjoyed myself a lot, actually. I enjoyed the stimulation, even though I never came. I was also hoping I'd eventually find someone with the magical power to unlock my vagina.

Could be, I guess. I admit I'm not in her exact position and I don't have many friends with trust funds. (I do have one, and his friends are fairly diverse.)

She made a joke about playboy bunnies that was basically "lol, you got molested" and that doesn't make her any less of a feminist? And apparently it's totally cool to say racist sexist things if you're funny.

Where do you live?

I've heard she's a lovely person. She has, however, said a lot of very problematic things while being hailed as a feminist icon, and that bothers me.

I've actually heard she's lovely in person. I have a problem with some things she's said.

Used to love Tina Fey and enjoy the hell out of 30 Rock, but it turns out she's kind of a dickbag. My heart is broken. :(

Your solution is that some people SHOULD be entitled to sex?

"Some guys are only deemed nice guys because they don't rape people" = "Lots of feminists are manhating racists."

"Many "Nice Guys" are "Nice Guys" because they are "Nice"...duh. "Nice Guys" become deemed "Nice Guys" for acting respectful towards women, and not taking advantage of them when it seems they're vulnerable. Sex isn't the only thing on their minds."

The friend zone: when you like each other, spend time together and laugh at each other's jokes. Sounds like an awful place where you only put people you hate.

But I bet you're way happier than you would be if you had never worked on yourself in the first place.

Advertising yourself as a "nice guy" because you don't rape people is setting the bar pretty low.

I always think it's funny when people make fun of a certain strain of feminism by calling it "I choose my choice." What, are you anti-choice?

Maybe it's not nice to take a position from a more qualified co-worker. On the other hand, looks like she was working a lot harder than anyone else.

We dated for 3 months when I was 17. Why are you still so close with my parents? It is fucking weird, dude.

I'm sure her motivation was money and I'm sure she got her promotion through sexual favors. I just don't really have a problem with it. He was a dumb horny rich old dude and men like that pretty much exist to be taken advantage of. It's the only situation in which the "trickle down economy" idea isn't total BS.

No sympathy for him at all. He was in a position of power and could have chosen not to open himself up to a lawsuit by (a) not having an affair with his employee, and (b) taking the end of the affair like an adult. He did neither.

Go ahead, shit on a whole bunch of peoples' livelihood and ability to make decisions about their bodies because you have feels and also think they might force men to behave badly.