
Not that I’m saying at all that this will come with any success, but a name brand is a name brand.

It’s a matter of what you do with it.

TNA/Impact made itself into a thing. ROH is a pretty solid noticeable indy.

If Corgan can sign good talent and put on some entertaining shows while trading on the nostalgic brand

How did Dems celebrate after passing ACA on a party line vote and thus upending healthcare and ruining American lives in the process?

How is asking them not to wear a particular logo while supporting them if they choose to protest “encouraging them to shut their mouths”?

While I support efforts to either further compensate players or relax rules to allow them to earn money from other spots based on who they are . . . its not accurate to call them unpaid.

They are compensated with an education.

This is one of the biggest issues in modern debate - the inability to handle nuance.


Here’s the thing. Politics aren’t the reason that ESPN is choking. At least, not entirely.

But it is an issue. Plenty of people who are cutting the cord have little issue doing so because they don’t like what ESPN has become.

I get it that Deadspin is the alt-left grandchild of SJW ESPN and any rando tabloid. So

Because no one cutting the cord is making that choice because they are annoyed with ESPNs politics right?

When the left has nothing else, degrade the Holocaust by calling people they disagree with Nazi’s.

Oddly enough the other side sees the issues in terms of someones life too.

This was a fun piece of word vomit lacking self awareness and avoiding totally the fact that Clinton got where she did based on her last name.

When you have to infer Nazis to start your article, you’ve lost.

I’m really not a fan of the brand split. And not for the reason I originally thought - too many belts diluting the “sport” aspect of the show. I mean, that sucks too.

But the talent drain has been bad - from NXT. That has had an effect on making NXT less interesting to watch. And it forced some performers up before

Because she did such a good job with the Russias as Sec of State.

Obama’s careful and considered approach that lead to nothing stopping in Syria and continued genocide. Yes, let’s defend that.

Also, given that the side opposing Assad is ISIS affiliated, of course you would pause taking refugees to implement a strong vetting system. The chance that US targeting terrorists would

To be fair, this is an EO overriding and EO.

So, you can’t accurately say that “Republicans realized these things are a bunch of words that don’t matter” if they’re using the same method that Obama used.

What Obama signed wasn’t a law, wasn’t balanced by another branch, and had no Constitutional protections from being

Never. I’ve never dined with a woman who was note my wife.

I think its funny that a political philosophy that would seek to not insult or harass the various cultures and philosophies in which people CHOOSE to live is so quick to attack someone who has done literally nothing wrong simply for how he and his wife have

It’s funny to me the irony here.

The complaint about Trump is always something about fascism or being an authoritarian.

But here we have articles ripping into people not for disagreeing, but for not agreeing loudly enough.

If you knew anything about guns, actual “silencers” don’t silence things like the movies. SMH

If they were shooting to protect themselves, the neighbors would hear it. It doesn’t silence anything. Just takes the volume down to not ear damage level.

ICYMI - The left is anti-science and gets their concept of silencers (actually just suppressors) from films.


Emjoy the Rams LA ....

As I was taught by some in laws . . . the usage trends toward bitch generally, not against gays specifically.