
People on io9 will always find something to complain about when it comes to the DCEU...

People on io9 always find something to complain about when a DCEU film is involved.....

Nobody who genuinely wants our democratic system to function justly in order to represent the will of the people disagrees with any of these measures.”

I’d argue that io9 needs to go away too, its far worse.

Spare me.

Companies are assets with value. They aren’t owned by the employee.

Yes, people that have more money can and will buy companies. Those companies will be available for a variety of reasons - from the owner wanting to retire, from debt, from even the “evil evil” cash in.

But these all have one common thread . . .

This is the most true statement.

Democrats have nudged more radically left for decades. Old Guard leadership, which at some point was somewhat moderate, has had to change their tone with their base or risk alienating them. But often that tone has cost Democrats power to actually do anything, and the old guard knows

No one is scared of her. She’s running for Rep in a reliably blue area.

Everyone is more interested in the fact that she’s a sign post to how lost Democrats are becoming. Having her out in front is desperation and it will cost seats with moderate America. And most of the nation is moderate America.

Trump is a boogeyman

I am so sorry for your loss.

That Huffpo stoyr was disusting.

I just came to make mention of Bowser and Blitz.

They aren’t fucking it up. It’s been great. You have bad taste.

Supergirl Season 2 was very bad.

You hit the nail on the head with your own first film. I was the same age. The wheelers and the head switching lady and the hospital and the King all scared the daylights out of me.

DC film characters aren’t assholes. well, Batman is but Batman is an asshole.

UPDATE: Jennifer Lawrence wants you to stick it.

Look, the left throws a temper tantrum until they force women to behave by their standards.

Congratulations current wave feminists, you win at telling women what to do and how to behave. Awesome.

Mostly correct.

That said, if one is very tied in - ala Loki - it gets very good.

Doom is more personal, less of a blank slate twirling mustache that happens to exist.

If i may suggest, keep the mutants separate. The concept of a world that accepts powered heroes, knowing that those powers came from various outlets, pushed together with a world that randomly doesn’t like mutants with powers is dissonant.

The MCU, theoretically, is a more nuanced take where people seem to make their

That’s where the American left is these days - violent radicals.

MLK idealism is out, punch someone in the face is in.

I think the separation between the X comics and the regular “super hero” Marvel stuff has been great for both in the live action world.

I have ALWAYS had an issue with the comics that define the world as loving Captain America and Thor and Iron Man - beings with great power that all hold it through different means -