
Why I can’t take you seriously ... its Pro-Life.

A move left will “kill” the Democrats. “Kill” meaning more marginalize and depower because despite all the squawking when either part is in power, neither party dies.

Obama won in 2008 based on two things - Bush fatigue and his own personality. Americans were tired of the grind of the Bush admin, with Iraq, and with

So this wasn’t a law, just the opinion of the prior administration.

His presser was fantastic.

So, you’re supporting a known anti-Semite to run the DNC.

Good luck with that.


And in two years the GOP is going to be able to point to Democrats and paint them as obstructionists . . . when so many Dems are up for election in Trump won states.

Yeah, this isn’t a good strategy. It’ll be a loss of power.

I’m going to quietly suggest, since I’m a conservative and am on Board with some of Trumps

So, a womens rights advocate supports an actual anti-Semite.

Good going Dems!

Everything is political.

The taxi drivers must love it because from a political perspective they’re already anti-Uber for fear of competition.

I think Uber shouldn’t be so reactionary. Deleting an app is one thing. Within a weak, regardless of action I’d expect half those people to reinstall and use again easy.

You mean a violent, destructive riot intent on silencing someone they disagreed with.

And doing so by, among other things, trashing a Starbucks after Starbucks made a big public show about hiring a load of immigrants soon.

Good job American left!

The left is going crazy. Its fantastic.

A few corrections to this biased piece of trash:

Republicans would nuke the filibuster and Dems would guarantee a shelling in the 2018 Mid Terms.

So go ahead.

Because he shouldn’t fucking have to.

You have a million other celebs that talk at great length about their support for your positions. One guy shouldn’t have to justify disagreeing with you.

He’s one athlete that supported someone.

This type of witch hunt is why you got Trump.

Hard to support something that doesn’t exist. There is no Muslim ban.

So, essentially if you disagree with the left wing echo chamber at all here you get silenced.

Got it.

Woof on the bigotry in this post.

This is an actual serious question. Aside from having policies you disagree with . . . whats actually there to make you use the term fascist?

Nothing says “I don’t get this election” by directly saying that “everyone that agrees with me is the best thing ever and everyone who doesn’t is literally worthless . . . oh and also I won’t tolerate your personal beliefs at all.”

Yeah, good job.