
So the left is so far gone that they have to self sooth with hate theories about the Trump marriage while continuing to badger and gossip about a ten year old and his development?

I mean that’s just sad and petty.

I assume its fair to define you as Anti-Life give your decision on how to define Pro-Life advocates.

This is not good news and no one should think it is.

She leaked classified info including military information that could have affected active duty soldiers.

Because journalists have no power over timing and if they did would never time a piece to coincide with a major event...

That you thought it was a good idea for Booker to speak against Sessions says everything.

I don’t think you get the issue here.

This move literally takes the governments hands off a womans body by not tying any particular entity to government funding. Once government funding is involved a thing becomes a political football and tied to that, once government funding is involved the entity accepting the funding may be subject to regulations

Love the hatred over a stereotype from the “enlightened” “progressive” Left.

Any thought that continuing to think of certain groups of people as dumb and trashy - and constantly saying so out loud is why its so easy to “rile them up to vote against you”?

Its dehumanizing. You should theoretically know better.

But hey,

You’re perfect at liberal condescension.

So, you’re cool behaving like the people that tossed epithets at the Obama daughters?

At some point maybe, just maybe Palestinian leadership should have some international pressure applied.

Let’s make more unreasonable historical comparisons so we look more out of touch.....

At what point does this segment of “progressives” realize they’re in the wrong, that they’re doing the wrong things?

Seriously, get a fucking grip.

Seriously, its time to grow up guys.

Largely the “Press” has handed over any merit on the subject. This website won’t see it because of what this website is. But the “Press” has lost so much credibility within the last year with a large swath of the public that its impossible to make a difference anymore.

And for the “progressives” here, the fault isn’t

This is fantastic!

Oh my God, I think Trump broke Democrats. Like totally broke them, they need to reboot or something.

“My world view wasn’t propped up for a third election in a row and the fact that there are people out there that see life differently than I do has just, like, totally ruined the world for me. I think I’ll make sure

As usual, the hyperbolics are out of control. A number of those “quotes” are out of context - particularly the one of Trump calling soldiers with PTSD weak. If you read his full statement that is pulled from, its a very human statement. It’s an acknowledgement that people are all different, that we have different