
Just so the "progressives" on here know, its going to be between Perry and Rand Paul for the Presidency in 2016.

Wrong on two accounts:

I spell it that way for the irony.

Oh, I'm not at all. The only reason I come around here is to see a bunch of caddy single minded "feministst" act about as poorly as possible. It's entertaining and says a lot about the "persepective" being discussed.

I've heard writers on here make similar remarks in articles before, either referring to themselves simply by their equipment of in the context of a conversation with just men. Its humor. Try not making everything a GD issue.

Wow, first of all trying to tell another woman what her perspective should be and then telling her to go "play with dolls"?

It's impossible to take this asshole seriously, particularly when he devolves into generic moralistic pablum.

Oddly enough I remember. But then again my brain has a knack for storing useless superhero trivia nuggets.

Here are some thoughts:

Absolutely they fell victim to the 90's trends of darker unis. Not just darker, but the addition of black as an accent and something that can get over used (how many teams have had an alt black jersey and how many NFL teams have solid black leotard pants).

Seriously, the only thing that needs to be discussed is how they had a nice modern uniform years ago and they've gone to a bad one and now the worst NFL uniform ever. I mean this may be the worst NFL team ever by any metric.

Look, its too late to fix things on the field guys. But you can control what you fucking wear.

The Wonder Woman film is on deck people, pay attention.

And there goes my plan to be nice ....

Tony Schiavone is still alive? Awesome. I should tell him I'm happy he's still around.

Uh oh, here comes hipster nerd to tell me who and what I am.

Fellow fan.

I completely agree. My preferred female character overall is Rauch and Bialik does a lot of heavy lifting. I do like Penny and Kaley, but at this point she's there because she's there. I think, though, that may be part of the reason for the shows continued success. A lot of sit coms center around some sort of main

Oh, that's absolutely it on the nose. "Hipsterism". I like my special little world that no one else knows about and I hate when anyone else gets into it. They like the niche. That's it to a t.

I get that point about it. But I imagine actual scientists would be annoyed at most forms of entertainment considering how much writers get wrong. I don't know if it actually portrays scientists as a whole in a bad way considering these are four guys and not the whole community. And plenty of respected scientists