
Opening one to you is starting a conversation - be it civil or strong in tone. Responding with something like "did you serve" basically begs out of any type of conversation. It's an implication that if a certain criteria isn't met then an opinion isn't allowed. I'm just pointing that out.

So, in short I need to shut up and only your point of view is valid. Gotcha. Later.

And you may be taking these a little too seriously . . . getting a little too caught up in your own rhetoric and hyperbole.

Aren't you a peach?

Rather than a long, rambling "apology" rendered in vague legalese I'd have much preferred something like "Hey everyone, sorry. I had too much to drink and I was an asshole. I'm so embarrassed."

Honestly I don't think we have to. All that discussion is going to be about is giving time for one segment to passive aggressively shame or insult or look down on the segment that wants to play games like this.

A few thoughts:

No and calm down.

So, let's rationalize bad behavior and focus on one word. Very surprising from Jezebel.

Are we sure? I haven't heard the final report on where he got his gun. Is this something he had for decades already? Did he get it from some shady gun show?

That's sort of focusing on just the federal component. Why doesn't anyone care about the state components? Besides, this is beyond just the judicial branch and into on the ground law enforcement as well.

That's another issue too.

Registration and classes, just like the law that said this guy shouldn't have had a gun, could be ignored.

Cool story bro, let's ban alcohol too!

And what do you do about the people who don't register and end up killing someone like this? Does that solve the problem?

Because that's a sensible argument .....

Here's the issue. Apparently, according to Florida law this guy shouldn't have legally had a gun. So what would adding more laws help in this case? If laws on the books aren't going to be enforced or can be this easily ignored then what does additional legislation do? So he doubly shouldn't have had the gun, that

But a mom sounded like a crazy Republican! That takes fucking precedent in any fucking conversation.

You came to the wrong place to behave in a rational fashion.

I mean, unless you are commenting on Gawker or Jezebel . . . . then those seem like perfectly fine arguments to shut people out of conversations.