
Annoying nerd is more like it. Comic history is full of retcons and reboots. It's part of the medium. Keeping that in mind transferring the concept from one medium to another has to allow its own leeway and creative license. Now, I'd argue that a responsible creator would take in to mind some of the history

I'm just gonna start by pointing to the clear double standard. Now, if I missed the same article years ago on this topic, please refer me to it. But Marvel's Avengers only had Black Widow on the team. Other women were in the film but they weren't on the team. So, again where were the complaints?

That's why I'm in my 30's and I try to play games when I'm alone at home. So I can actually celebrate a big win or a great comeback like I'm 13 again.

So now you're wishing death on a segment of society?

I know you meant Rand. I as disagreeing.

That's Ron Paul. Ron can't shake crazy.

Not Paul Ryan.

This is literally the only thing I could think about when I was reading over this thread.

Again, you're jumping to an assumption about the behavior and by extension the character of people you don't know.

That's kind of my point, you've jumped to assuming the behavior about the guys "freaking out" about this.

I think you kinda answered the problem, "uncomfortable looking at themselves through the female gaze". The issue is taking the actions of some and applying them to the all. Your own words imply that these guys are officially guilty of what's discussed in the hashtags.

It does if you are a liberal. If you don't agree with every point of view then you are some sort of evil.

Which is a hilarious statement on the Kinja network where people condemn "the other" with such frequency that its impossible to document it.

Such a mature response, smh ....

I've been generally against this because I've been to the current stadium and I think it's lovely, though I'm not from Atlanta. I'm angry to see it come down so early.

I'd rather be mildly self congratulatory but ultimately nice then shallow and hate filled.

How exactly do you know she's bigoted and small-minded? Just because the letter behind her name? Talk about being an actual small minded asshole . . . .

I just slid into it this year. A friend lent me the first season on blu ray and I had recorded the first few episodes.

My only response is to ask why she looks like she just woozily popped out of the Matrix in every photo. Is that her Blue Steel or something?

I thought Jezzies weren't supposed to be catty ...