
Can it not be ok to dislike showboating, horn blowing, self touting regardless of race?

Normally I'm 100% with you.

What I find interesting is that universally everyone thought those hearings were BS, a waste of time. However the hearings have directly impacted the issue. McGwires shaky performance pretty much created the assumption that kept him from the Hall. Sosa's performance? The finger wag? Raffy, a guy with 3000 hits

Can someone tell me, is part of any discussion or paperwork signed regarding end of life decisions like this specific on "If I'm pregnant?" Do we actually no for sure that she knew she was pregnant and wants to take the kid with her in this situation or is that sort of a BS claim?

Talk about tone deaf and self conscious when you feel the need to respond to the internet like this.

Cool Pope just got cooler.

Aquaman since it hasn't been mentioned.

Awwww .... its a hyper sensitive Seattle fan.

Pretty much what I'm thinking and what I want to send to them.

So this isn't Superman. Maybe more Ultraman or Bizzaro?

And to think, the talking points in the last few months have all been about how great Christie is and how maybe he should even switch parties ....

The best short stop of the 1980's is already in.

I have two thoughts.

Most playoff expansion I'm against. I think the play in game for MLB may be one of the goofiest things ever.

Here's my thought, who cares?

And people can't fight to change laws?

They should have a "fuck to say" about the coverage though. Otherwise, they should be able to feel free not to offer it without punishment.

The company gets to set the guidelines for compensation. You don't get to tell them what to give you. You can negotiate, but you can't dictate.

If the employee alone pays for their healthcare, then what role does the employer play? Why isn't the employee out on a private policy then?

Less than a decade, chief.