
Funny enough, when I was in college my wife's (girlfriend at the time) insurance was Catholic. We were in school and making very little in our jobs. But we still managed BC. The "majority" of people? Stop it.

That's always been a bad argument.

"would stop employees from using bc"

That's another fantastic point . . . sacrificing sleep. I just wrote a comment about details of my life in trying to make time. I left out that on Friday and Saturday nights, when there is no work to go to in the morning and my wife goes to bed, I'll stay up till 2 or 3 to sneak in extra time. It's different doing

This is such a good article. I've been lamenting this issue for some time now. A few observations and personal notes:

I just threw up a little.

This isn't about he money, its about the principle. The Catholic Church is very clear on its beliefs regarding procreation. Forcing them to offer it is trying to control them.

Yes, because open heart surgery is as costly as a box of condoms.

First off, I'm glad we're clear on the situation. It's one thing to rake the guy over the coals for the awful stuff he did do without making shit up to make it seem worse.

"If you think him engaging in hate speech in his workplace, which then gets broadcast on his television show"

Tripletts crew needs to go.


So you don't think "If we disagree with what you think you shouldn't be employed" is thought control?

Actually it is. Intolerance is intolerance . . . be it of a sexual preference or a religious belief.

People wanted him fired for his personal beliefs, religious beliefs. This isn't about his tv show, its about his job. This would apply if he were on tv or if he were a bus driver. What I see here is a bunch of people who want to define when you can have a job . . . when you agree with their point of view.

That's applying your own morality to the situation and requiring everyone to agree. It's shallow behavior.

And once someone that holds a point of view that you hold gets booted off air your ass will be in a huge twist.

Good call. While I don't watch that show and disagree completely with what he said, I'm tired of this self righteous march to repression and censorship by so called liberals. It's fascist behavior.

Actually hate is hate. If hating someone for who they are is bad, then it is what it is. Trying to justify the behavior may feel right, but its still the same behavior.

I find it hilarious that this is a thread on a site like this.