I can't take anyone seriously that bags on the third Die Hard instead of the 2nd or 4th.
I can't take anyone seriously that bags on the third Die Hard instead of the 2nd or 4th.
No kidding, credibility goes out the window here.
Funny, considering I've seen Tom Ley behave pretty thin skinned too.
It is sort of funny to see the hypocritical behavior in the comments section. Not that it's shocking.
Well, if you're bag is writers bitching and cussing a lot with little talent then I guess it isn't an insult.
So basically, this is a whine because a few people decided to throw "Stay Classy" at Deadspin, because they were in fact needlessly tacky or tasteless.
And how much of that "awareness" turns the opinion of the general public the same way a PETA campaign would?
"Maybe flyers left on top of the calendars would've been just as effective?"
In today's climate, money matters. How much you have directly correlates to someones personal opinion of you, on both ends of the spectrum.
Ladies and Gentlemen . . . it's female Drew Magary.
Lawrence O'Donnell is generally an idiot.
I'll send you some NyQuil.
Their, there, they're . . . the internet will be fine with a grammar error.
Oddly enough, she ends with a decent argument. I agree with her motivation, but I disagree with the idea of the regulation. But when she makes the point that there are restrictions on airing certain things (like sex or language) on tv, its not a brainless argument.
This is the right call, and this exception should have been carved out before the bill was passed.
This is real bad, but for some reason it's cracking me up.
2 years ago my wife gave birth to our daughter. We had tried for quite some time to get pregnant after nearly a decade of chemical BC use. During the pregnancy my wife decided she didn't want to get back on it post birth, she had become uncomfortable with chemicals.