
As far as my wife and I go, no we don't have drunk sex.

You're a violent nutcase. Inhuman. Done.

I have only moments so I'm going to have to bullet point.

And now we're violent?

Is this fucking difficult for you? Here's your quote "women die in the third world from child birth". That's what I responded to. It only takes moments to actually remember what you said.

We're not discussing the third world here. We're discussing western civilization and even more to a point specifically America. We're talking about an area where you can get medical treatment and assistance you dumb daughter of a bitch.

Not really. Checked into me? What does that even mean?

What is the surprise mortality rate for mothers in America? What are the stats for death rates where there isn't a reasonable concern for the health of the mother? I've never seen the stats on it.

A) So what you're telling me is that women have more right to life than men. Men should be considered secondary citizens?

Where in the world did I say that? Talking about either reading what you want to or completely misunderstanding what someone said. Why don't you dial it back a bit.

" then her choice to abort is on par with refusing her body as aid after attempting to murder someone"

You've missed my point. Every group has bad representatives. Pardon the pun but even atheists aren't sinless when it comes to being a dick about religious belief and discussions.

That's a misreading of the Second Amendment. The government, state and local, can't impose a specific faith on anyone. It can't compel you to be Christian or Jewish or Muslim. But it also can't prevent the free exercise of your faith. Considering we all vote via our conscience, you can't tell a person of faith

I'm a human. Heaven forbid I have an opinion on life and death and existence. I forgot, only women can discuss that point. I'm not supposed to value my life at all. Men have no right to care if they exist or not . . .

That doesn't exactly jive . . . but nice try.

Thank you for summing up your two paragraphs in your opening word.

Have I commented on your faith? Shown it open hostility?

I love it when someone resorts to using a term like "anti-choicer" during a discussion like this. It makes them sound so rational. I'm sure they'd love to be termed "pro-murderers" by the opposition.

Yes because a disease is just the same as a human life. This is where we differ. I don't see a kid as a disease. I see it as another human life that doesn't deserve to die as a "treatment" for someone else.

You missed what the flip side of that point meant. I'm looking at it as you making a conscious decision that destroys a life . . . which is the belief I'm discussing about ending a pregnancy. To make it easier to understand, the comparison there is the dead infant and the dead driver . . . legal ramification to