No, it's not a fault. It happens. It's not your fault if you get an STD either, but it happens.
No, it's not a fault. It happens. It's not your fault if you get an STD either, but it happens.
Sure. I've had some first hand experience with it. What are the exact stats? What's the percentage of women birthing to term who die from complications or conditions in America? The percentage then in births that lead to the death of the mother due to surprise circumstance?
Actually, thats not remotely true. We base most laws on opinions. We vote for representatives or directly for laws based on or moral makeup, emotions and facts on hand. But not everything can be completely rationalized out. Often there is no "right answer". Plenty of people think that they're opinion is the only…
I know I'm on a "progressive" "feminist" site, so I don't expect much in the way of open minded discussion. No.
Its sort of an apples/oranges strawman there.
Because I have complete faith that you know who I am and understand my viewpoint ..
Their, they're, there it will be alright. The internet will survive a quick error in grammar. Thanks for feeling the need to point it out.
The issue at state, though, is that we do live in a society that sets up rules and laws. A lot of those laws revolve around life and death. If some people believe a life begins at a certain point, why is it disrespectful of them to express that opinion and try to protect life? And that's what we're talking about…
Talk about predjudiced . . . putting words in my mouth.
Actually, that's incorrect. The life of an individual is worth more than the convenience of the other.
And this is the problem.
A look at the MLB record books says Bonds holds both the All Time and Single season records . . . should I get you some reading glasses?
Yeah, you're awful.
What's funny is that everyone and their moms hated that Congressional hearing. Writers and fans both sighed and groaned about politicians wading into sports. Everyone considered it a huge waste of time.
The arrogance annoys me.
So until they conform perfectly to your belief system they are not worthy of respect or anything but hatred?
I paid attention to the one I watched.
Oh both Marvel and DC make mistakes. I haven't been able to read X Men in forever.
It's always my first thought actually when the love triangle is mentioned. I can never remember the story though.