I'm on board.
I'm on board.
1. We don't know for a fact that they all cheated.
Because its fun?
Dammit. I'd happily be caught in traps for bacon.
Actually we don't need to. I've already done that with my wife.
But at some point as we progress along some personal responsibility does have to come in to play. At some point we have to be held accountable for our own actions and choices rather than simply defaulting on shitty history. No, we shouldn't deny it. But at some point if a black person is making poor decisions or a…
Not surprising? How, do you know me personally? Or did you just need to type a vague insult because its required?
I don't want a war. I just want to be friends.
On occasion . . . my legs look absolutely fantastic in hose and heels. My beard however ....
Busy little guy huh?
"But along with that, we should also learn to be a little more forgiving and remember that we're not the real enemy here."
I have? I think I may just be a convenient target.
Charm is the first step to detente.
Shouldn't you find a more female friendly hero to reference since we're all enemies here?
My manhood apologizes to you for every direct problem it has caused you .... what did he do again?
This would be an inappropriate time for a crass chauvinistic kneeling joke right?
Bacon .... bacon next time. They don't sell a bunch of goofy products and have meme's of pulled pork do they?
I'm that charming.