
You guys do know that a woman beat a guy for the first number of seasons in a row on the main show right . . . including a blind asian woman.

Actually it was interesting to watch those three judges (you can mention that there are two not Gordon Ramsey judges you know) actually be sweet and gentle with critiques rather than brutal. They were hardly ever rough and I don't remember anyone ever yelling. In fact, they were playful - doing things like testing

Ditching the gold pants was stupid. I loved those uni's.

Guys, no to Gina Torres. The ship has sailed as has Nathan Fillion as Green Lantern.

I think we can calm down. That she may cameo in this film doesn't mean any disrespect. It's likely how they are building their "universe". She shows up for a minute in this film and that spins into her own film. Then down the road those three and a few more all get together to make a JLA film. World building is

Liberal religious intolerance on display....

Thank you Bernadette.

A grammar nazi to boot. There, their, they're . . . it'll be alright buddy.

So if a jurist passes a favorable ruling then they're just honest by the book judges but an unfavorable ruling and they're an evil conservative. Gotcha.

When I first saw the headline I thought I was going to get an article about Christians having a fit about the display and subsequent mockery of Christianity. Imagine my surprise instead.

Just to freak out the people still fitting over Afleck . . . Mr. Pheeny can be a digital alfred!

I'm on board.

Good to know, not everyone will be familiar with that...

It says male gaze, not male leer. That implies just looking.

I could give two figs about Terry Richardson. He's definitely a creepy hack.

I think this put into context what I feel when this topic comes up.

Lol . . . . enjoy the whining.

That has to be the dumbest straw man I've seen in awhile. Congratulations! You've won something at least.

One step too far? It's proving that this guy is just an idiot.