
I really dislike Cincinnati teams. But that mashup is the best.

I was just about to say I prefer Lizzy to Zooey.

What an entirely bogus rationalization. Why not just say "We're only going to defend them because they're not white"?

Except for the fact that there was an outrage over a cross next to the number six on the pitching mound in St Louis this season based on atheist objections ... so those types do exist.

They do know that its not the late 90's or early 2000's yet right?

Not really. You made my point for me. Thanks.

So now you're the arbiter of what constitutes offence that "counts"? If a bunch of individuals take issue but they aren't in an organization then it doesn't count?

And looking in the mirror you're trying to tell me that if Irish people are offended then they're wrong (and possibly stupid). A little pot and kettle.

That's incorrect. In its old context it was a slur directed at Native Americans. But like Fighting Irish it is now a positive nickname for a football team. Same situation. "End of story." No one who is talking about the Redskins is using it as a term pointed at Native Americans because they hate them. I'm not

Another false assumption . . . I'm a Rams fan. I don't support the Redskins. If I'd support anyone in that division it would be the Giants.

I do have position to point out when people don't understand the context of the situation, as seems to be your problem.

Problem is that the word Redskins in this case isn't directed at Native Americans and isn't being used as a slur. The word isn't being used to disparage, but as an icon to support. "The person it is meant to insult" . . . that's the key, it's not meant to insult anyone. You don't understand that.

I haven't declared anything. I'm making the argument that its not widely used for that purpose anymore. You can get a group of people together to complain about anything. Give me a half hour and I'll round up a bunch of Irishmen to complain about Notre Dame. Does that mean we should change any team nickname a

This has nothing to do with the size of the Native American population at all. It has to do with the change of the usage of the term over the last century. Just like other words have gained and lost meanings over time, so has Redskins. Now its purely a franchise name, something loved and admired not hated and

A strawman. Great.

No. The comparison doesn't wash.

Hey look, someone on the internet freaked out and said I'm fucking stupid. How original. Don't stroke out or anything.

Why aren't people just fleeing Cleveland at this point?

Good for him.