
To go along with the exploding ovaries gif I'd like a classic geyser spurting gif for the Katy Perry Sesame Street moment . . . but that would be wrong right?

I've been to both.

Why the fuck is there a Snoopy statue in front of the stadium? Is it permanent?

I'm easily pegged as a traditionalist. I like classic teams and classic uniforms. I lament over even more specialized pitching roles than I grew up with. I wasn't a fan of the 8 team wild card format. I was tired of forced, purposeless and inequitable interLeague play.

I'm glad to see so many people decided to respond to this article "rationally".

Seriously, the NFL is a large well oiled machine. Why do you need to do something like this? Its cheesy.

I'm sort of with you. It seems like we're reaching a saturation point where some people no longer care about violations.

Obligatory "This is awesome!" chant.

You know, I never liked Vanderjagt-off.

RGIII from the Washington Redskins ....

Yeah, take a look at the lives of Spiderman and DareDevil and get back to me...

Let's get something straight here, if we were discussing Peter Parker or Matt Murdock getting engaged only to have the marriage fall through in the end no one would think anything of it. No one would call bullshit or claim that the decision to have the character not marry was an "excuse" for anything. It would just

I'm just gonna sit this here so the Massholes can collectively freak out over the fact that even their 3 Super Bowls are basically tainted piles of shit.


Redskins . . .

Actually the word wouldn't be used in discourse because no one fucking uses it anymore. Its a dead word. The only modern connotation is for a football team. So stop trying to create an issue that doesn't fucking exist just to try and get brownie points for your "I'm more liberal and sensitive than you" trophy case.

Bill Kristol is great . . . . just gonna leave that here.

Race doesn't matter if you QB.

To this point, the Lions have had the most emotionally uptight fans.

Yeah, just to weigh in, the Baltimore guy is an insanely bigger douche. Miles away.