
Damn theres so much salt and projection in this comment. 

I got through about 6-8 games since the middle of summer (in my limited spare time) by going through my backlog, picking a game, and not playing anything else until id beaten it. Ill use guides. Ill play on Easy difficulty. Ill skip side content and go right for the main story path. At this point i just dont care.

Another big caveat being the people who know they wont get to everything they buy, but buy them anyways because they MAY get to them, and even if they dont, they spent money supporting a dev they like or a game they respect and wanna see more of just because its cool/interesting and they wanna vote with their wallet. 

Yeah man, because some third rate military shooter that 10000 people are gonna play is as rousing to hate groups as the words of the literal president of your nation.

This is the ultimate straw man, as “people who get their opinions on real world political and historical events from a video game” is always touted as a thing, but nobody ever actually has any evidence that anyone actually does that. Just like the straw man of “people joining the military because COD exists” ia always

And id guess that less than one percent of the 12 year olds watching this grow up to be 18 year old enlistees who think that war is gonna be just like the fun Call of Duty games because they watched someone play Warzone on Twitch. Every time someone makes this argument, I always wonder, if this effect was so

Rainbow Six: Seige 

Hes obviously talking about “creating a female character” from a standpoint of how theyd fit into the gameplay loop of Doom to make them play differently and expand on whats been introduced already - you know, kinda how they didnt just give you exactly the same gameplay in Eternal as they did in Doom 2016, but

Developer - puts in effort to accommodate the desire of people who wanna see a female character in their usually male dominated game series by not making a lazy re-skin that plays the same, but evolves the role of their character both in story and gameplay in a meaningful way like they did from their first game to the

Yes? See: Devil May Cry 5 introducing new characters that play completely different than one another because playing exactly the same as other characters in the series already have is boring?

But games arent JUST a visual medium, theyre also about GAMEPLAY and playing differently as well would be ideak, considering they didnt even wanna deliver a sequel to 2016, with the same character, without tweaking the game a LOT.

This is some Grade-A, putting words in someone’s mouth, poor reading comprehension right here

I dont give a shit? If they really cared about the issue of shady key resellers, they would speak up and shut this shit down. They wouldnt make excuses saying that they’re “just editorial” and have nothing to do with it. Ive worked at a gaming website before, and i knew EVERYTHING that went up on the site (ads and all)

I dont give a shit? If they really cared about the issue of shady key resellers, they would speak up and shut this

or people who dont read gaming news, of which there are millions


Yeah, stupid me for thinking Kotaku would source their links from reputable key sellers to use for their affiliate links when theyve ripped sites like G2A as damaging for the industry for years anf years. 

Yeah, stupid me for thinking Kotaku would source their links from reputable key sellers to use for their affiliate

Damn dude, its CRAZY how insistent you are that Ninja having a lot of money should change everything and he should just STFU about harassment online and its his job to take care of it. Especially on a site that would NEVER suggest the same of a similarly famous, similarly rich female streamer. 

Dont buy through this link. GOG isnt allowing me to redeem the code i got.

Dont buy through this link. GOG isnt allowing me to redeem the code i got.

You tell em, guy whos never had to run a multi - million dollar game development studio! You tell em how to run a multi-million dollar game development studio! 

Youve provided a solution, now let me tell you why thats somehow not helpful.”