
I dont disagree with the Ronald Reagan hate, but i have to ask exactly how much of an audience theae articles are actually rebuking? Like, how many people do you think are gonna play this game about ridiculous over the top espionage in which you drive an RC car to blow up a plane that you then Michael Bay around for a

a huge game made during a pandemic”

Or u could just spray paint them yourself 

If it didn't happen so frequently, there wouldn't be a need for that guy 

It wasnt very long ago where people were complaining about ads being shoved into UFC 4 and everyone was like “whats the big deal”. Now Twitch is shoving ads into Twitch streams and its like “oh the poor streamers”. Whatever

Or you could buy the PS5 outright and finance the Xbox and have both. 

Easy - make it white like the rest of the damn thing. 

Idk man. Theyve been offering it as a hobby for everyone while also stroking their own dick about being “the most powerful” for like 5 years now and offering very little exclusives of interest. Without Gamepass theyd be on life support and they dont exactly have a way from stopping Sony from offering a similar

The confusion comes from this line:
Compare that to Sony having Killzone and Uncharted which fall into the same genres.”
Sounds like youre saying Killzone and Uncharted fall into the same genre, hence his comment. But yeah, I get what you meant now that you explained it again. 

Man its being charitable as fuck to say that ugly grey speaker is anything but ugly. Yes the One S had a similar design, but they had the good sense of hiding it by making it the same color as the system itself. Nobody in their right mind is thinking "gee, im sure happy they made my cooling vent stick out so i can



Yeah, im sure it was super rough to have to write Xbox Series X and Xbox Series Sa few times, man....Totally stroke-level stress.

And they don't.... Intend it to? 

So your point is that its the responsibility of the creators of entertainment to take the subject of said entertainment as seriously as a scholarly documentary would because our overall culture is too dumb to seperate entertainment from reality in how they form their opinions about literally anything.

Think that we found thr jaded, joyless asshole. 

Maybe in the early 2010s, but its not at all unusual to see well optimized console ports on PC in 2020

Yeah dawg, this isnt creepy or anything. 

Literally most people that play games either don't know or dont care. The number of people hand ringing about upheaval amongst the suits at Ubisoft is tremendously low in the overall audience of this industry, but hey, journalists just LOVE to center the world around themselves. 

Yeah its strange that this year feels so different than other years. I wonder what might have happened this year to make things so weird and throw off plans?