
I still can’t think of what you’d put between points of interest to make these trips interesting”

Stuff to fight? More little things to catch your eye? Literally anything besides vast swaths of nothingness?

Bethesda made a conscious choice to make this a quasi-realistic setting, and its an absolutely baffling design

So thats what a game is now? A foundation for unpaid people to add stuff to to make it fun because the very rich devs couldnt make a fun game on their own? Bethesda fans are poison.

Why do people still give a shit about this?

They sound made up cuz they are cuz this is fiction? lol

Your series X is also fatter

Sometimes people miss stuff, bud. IDK what to tell ya lol

Having just logged back in to see your further comments, I have to say LOL at you accusing people of “pearl clutching” while also vehemently defending something like kids being “embarrassed” like its some scarlet letter that is gonna haunt them for the rest of their days lol.

In reality, this was all fairly mild

isnt that what they’ve done with Gamepass?

The whole “they’re just kids” tone you have excusing them pushing people is very much at odds with your “you’re at a rock show” mentality when it comes to their motivations for being dicks and having no concern for those around them.

Man, I remember a few years ago when Kotaku tried to smear gaming streamers/YouTubers/influencers as straight up untrustworthy grifters who werent interested so much in informing people as stirring the shit. Jason Schrier even went on YongYea and completely mischaracterized both him and his audience as being super

Good. Fuck mega-corps becoming even larger. 

Good for you. 

A decade isnt a long time in video games lol. Have you seen how long it takes to make a first party AAA game today? 

I guess even the hyper annoying, hype machine feeding individuals at Kinda Funny can make a good point every now and again. 

You knew this take was coming from Kotaku

Microsoft is a historical bogeyman for people and their move here is entirely to counter Sony’s (a non-US company its worth pointing out) loading down publishers with exclusivity agreements.”

And nobody ever mentions all those other non-exclusive titles Insomniac developed because nobody is upset to lose those titles, and Sony would never buy Insomniac to secure those titles, so IDK what your point is exactly? The most successful stuff they’ve ever made is PlayStation only, so its bizarre to bring up all

This article starts from the premise that Robach is “receiving the benefit of the doubt” but then doesnt point to a single instance of that happening. It points to articles commenting on her demeanor, saying shes “having a tough time” but thats not “giving her the benefit of the doubt”. Nobody said she didnt do

GamePass is cool, but Id much rather just own my copy of Forza 5 and not have to worry about price increases for the service making it less of an affordable or justifiable value (it only “pays for itself” when MS keeps the stream of good games worth playing coming to the system, which could easily change) or MS

You’re usually a pretty smart commentator, so its surprising that you’d have such a naïve take. They are 100% going to be $70 on PC lol.