
Do you live in a cave underground? Because suggesting a woke take by a Kotaku article won’t be weaponized against a developer to pressure them is a pretty naive take to have. This will get shared on Twitter and the developer and game dragged for it. It doesn't matter if the article means no harm to the developer if

From peddling bullshit about how the movie was going to cause incels to commit mass shootings to celebrating people cosplaying as him.

“Sony paid us a bunch of money to make an exclusive for PS5" is what I gathered from this. They’ve no doubt invested a bunch of money in these other projects they’re putting on hold, and they aren’t exactly a big studio that can afford to just abandon projects theyve sunk money into, so they’d need a pretty big influx

My backlog says “thank you” to all these recent delays.

They could delay it into the holiday, but I'm guessing they don't want to release after new consoles come out. September still gives people a good month before consoles are supposed to launch. But people also don't really have all that much to play at launch? I don't think people would be dragged away from a huge game

I think it’s a difference in the kinds of “stories” people like to absorb. There are definitely stories being told in multiplayer games, but they usually surround individuals and organizations, and the mechanics of specific games and how they change, more than a traditional story. This applies to sports as well, even

Hey man, there are a TON of games that are considered classics that just aren't for me either. That's why there's thousands of games out there! Play what you enjoy :) 

YOU would call it lazy or boring to not include those options. But that’s also assuming that’s as far as anyone will go with their critique, which would be fine, if it were true. But it’s not. It is lazy, though I don’t think the existance of a character that is the same as the male in every facet except appearance

This begs the question: is there a child’s cream pie?

On this week's edition of: "Shows that Literally Nobody Asked For" 

You’d think there would be more articles written about a game with admittedly woeful connection issues for the better part of 4 years, that needs to be fixed by fans, hampering a $60 experience millions of people paid money for but....

The tone of this article makes it feel like shooting shade at Alienware for making a Switch-like device for a slightly different audience and for not giving Nintendo credit for it. But like, who cares? And why?

No, it wouldn’t be tough to add women into the game. Sure, they can make whatever decisions they wanna make. And consumers can make decisions on not buying the game if they feel strongly enough about the issue. Move along, trolls.

You have a point, but also, the market dictates stuff like this to a certain extent. People WILL ask for some huge budget experience like this set in Star Wars once they play equally expensive and epic AAA experiences with other properties, like Spider Man. Battlefront was also another obvious choice for them to go

We do get a lot of Jedi in video games, but I’d also point out that the last pure Jedi-focused experience that reached a wide audience was.... Force Unleashed? Those games weren’t really anything special, either. Rather mediocre. So I’m ok with Fallen Order focusing on Jedi to give us a proper, good Jedi experience

The mental health stuff, sure. But watching the show back in the day, they always came off as having substance issues from the get go. I’m sure the early fame and attention only made it worse, tho.

It's crazy to me that a silly novelty such as Goose Game would end up on this list where other genuinely amazing titles missed out 

No, don’t you see! If you fall into a specific minority you MUST be defined by being part of that group. It must be your identity. It is your responsibility to take on that role. If you deny said responsibility, you’re a problem.

A shift, how? A shift in how the community attempts to blow shit out of proportion and slam writers the way they slam the community all the time? It’s funny that so much of this article is devoted to shitting on gamers. It’s almost emblematic of how gamers have changed how they see the gaming media this decade! Gee, I

He says on an article talking about how said 7 year old games willingness to listen to fans feedback about a terrible ending was actually part of the downfall of gaming in the decade lol.