
I don't agree with Kotaku on a lot of things, but game journalism would at least be infinitely more boring without them. 

Game I wanted to play but I am paralyzed from the chest down: Ring Fit Adventure.

This article reminded me that I still have such a tenuous and shaky feeling about Hello Games and No Man’s Sky. It’s a shame that every time there’s an issue someone needs called out on, someone is eventually gonna send death threats and be genuinely horrible, to obfuscate from the fact that they needed to be held

Yeah because I'm sure the handful of shit head people making terrible comments on Kotaku and Facebook speak for "gamers". 

Heads up that at least on my end the ads are fine through mobile. 

Reminding people that a shit company is a shit company, and voting with your wallet, is apparently lame now? 

As far as the whiplash pacing goes, I feel like they did that to themselves by ignoring the last movie, issues I had with it be damned. In hindsight, I like it far more knowing what we got with this movie.

Yeah I mean, what kinda douche likes something so much that they'd express it through the art of the written word? 

Calling the DS an "in house competitor" to a home console is kinda disingenuous. Handhelds and home consoles are fairly seperate markets. 

Hbomber is a pompous douche. 

I can see how they’d find themselves kinda backed into a corner with how TLJ ended, but I also think it could have been salvaged by some better writers. There’s gotta be a story you can tell for the final film that works better than what they’ve seemingly delivered here. I mean, the emperor again? Really?

The majority of people don’t shell out the whole $900 for the newest phone, tho. They have those costs rolled into their monthly fee with their phone providers. The majority of people don’t have that kinda money to drop on something not necessary.

Game development in general is a cautionary tale when it comes to over promising ans crunch, but you won’t see a rosy article about Rockstars crunch conditions, only from indie devs, because they aren't the dreaded "corporation" that Kotaku has to smear. 

Kotaku: Crunch is bad

“The Game Awards dazzled audience members and viewers worldwide with a variety of trailers and announcements meant to keep them purchasing stuff from big companies.”

Agreed. I know a games do a lot of stuff and try to make it a selling point, but those things never stick with me when they’re a one off thing that is then tossed aside, repeatedly, VS introducing a new thing that you then get to use the whole rest of the game. This is adding mechanics VS set pieces, really. Infinity

Game from PS1 era looks better in current generation 2 decades later. News at 11....

The Switch has combated the fact that it's not very powerful with having an amazing lineup of games that don't require top end hardware. Who cares if the thing can barely run DOOM 2016, it got it working! And it's got dozens of indie games that are equally as good as any AAA title. 

Imagine living in an entitled world where your parent company says “your political slant to every article is no longer needed or profitable, stop it” and you pout about it and publically shit on the company and complain about ads that are specifically designed to make up for your own inability to generate revenue

Because he’s working from the standpoint that they should have been more upfront with consumers about the product so as to give them more insight into it, therefore empowering them, rather than being secretive to keep the games rough development under wraps.