
Sadly, that change will continue to be slow because the people like us keyed into this kind of stuff are relatively small in comparison to the larger market. Most people won’t care about this and keep dumping money into Apex and Fifa and Madden and Battlefield, enough to ensure that EA doesn’t really need to care

Part of why Bioware was so fucked during the last few years is that they always had a game that was floundering in production during pre-production of another game. DA:I was fucked during the development of ME:A. ME:A was fucked during the development of Anthem. People were taken from other teams to try and pile on to

I wouldn’t say it saved the DCEU, as they never really needed saving financially since even their worst movies made a massive amount of money, particularly in China, and the movies that have come after it have still been messes that arent executed nearly as well as Marvel movies.

Pavlich is right. Slavery has existed in almost every culture in the world. But arguably, it has never been as brutal and unyielding as it was practiced in America. The slaves in America were not prisoners of war, military slaves, debtors or subjects of a feudal system, they were property to be bought and sold.”

The Radeon VII would work really well for you, as the 16gb of HBM2 at 1gbs is more for content creation and workstations than it is for gaming. 

Honestly, if u want to upgrade in 2 years, I'd just ride out what you have now. 

It's all pretty relative, really, depending on what you have now. For people looking for a generational upgrade from a 10 series, the price and performance increase just aren't worth it. But for someone like you moving on from a 760? The $500 price of a 2070 would offer you MASSIVE gains over what you've got right now

Because you read about the absolute worst or absolute best about streamers all the time, without considering the massive amount of them who are just normal people. 

Isn't this true of everyone? Nobody wants to put the worst parts of themselves out there in the open for people to see - unless they're trying to get ahead of a controversy, responding to a controversy, or are genuinely trying to better themselves. Most of the time, tho, people hide the worst parts of themselves. 

You’ve just posted a bunch of people saying that nobody has defended this guy, and that you’re jumping to conclusions about these people coming out of the woodwork as some sort of boogeyman to attack GGers.

There was no penalty to call on the play. Clean tackle. 

The battle Royale for BF5 isn't even out yet. 

This was reported by The Quartering two days ago. 

Yeah the guy you’re replying to isn’t super bright. Apparently the ultimate goal of an entertainment product is to entertain him. The only possible viewpoint is that of a consumer. The only concern is if a game was entertaining while also saying only stuff he agrees with and nothing he doesn’t. Repeat that for

Just so we’re clear, do you have a suggestion as to how Ubisoft, as a company that wants to make money making games in 2019, is supposed to make a game that is political, isn’t pandering, and will also not be met with some outraged group raising a big stink out of some fairly small issue? 

Let’s be honest, the only reason games journos want games to “own their politics” is to confirm whether or not the developers/publishers agree with their own political ideology or not, so they can go out and write a piece praising them if they do, or write a hit piece if they don’t. Why, exactly, would devs ever take

They could release it on the Epic Store and pass the savings on to us, as well as releasing it on Steam for full price. There's literally no reason they can't do both and everyone benefits, other than the big sum Epic paid Koch for exclusivity. 

Too many factors to say for sure, but it was 3 years between Pascal and Turing. Nvidia really doesn’t have any need to rush ATM, and the gains RTX made over Pascal are small compared to the jump Pascal was over the previous generation. I'm not entirely sure if they delivered a product 1.5 years from now if anyone

I was in your boat with a 1070 and thought the same, but I recently upgraded to a 2070 and, I have to say, it’s fantastic. It absolutely crushes everything at 1440p, which is great because it can keep up with my 144hz monitor. Its also a HUGE improvement over the 1070 at 4k. Dropping settings from ultra to high, and

All of these things have existed in the game since about a year after launch. That's why I haven't played for so long. I had an absolute BLAST playing this game when it came out, but the negatives just become unbearable with extended play. At a thousand hours, I stopped seeing what I loved about the game and started