
I really tried to give Switch a chance, but n I ended up trading it in, along with my OG PS4, to upgrade to a PS4 pro after I got a 4k TV. It was just collecting dust after I got through Odyssey. I’m not a Zelda fan, thought BotW would change my mind and it didn’t. And playing Mario Kart was fun, but it’s just Mario

So since Jason Schreier loves to hate on YouTubers and recently stated that it upsets him when YouTubers cover articles he's written, can we stop using YouTube videos as a basis for an entire post? 

You seem to be set on the idea that you either need to vote or do community service. Voting is one of the easiest things you can possibly do. Do it. AND help in your community. So both. Why is that so hard for you? Because your whole argument hinges on picking one or the other. 

Id hardly call the guy an asshole. He and Jason had a pretty cordial discussion after Jason called him out for what he felt was reporting misinformation on FO76. They disagreed but also came to a common ground. 

If "mushed" means "falling into a guy that was already down on one knee" then I guess you nailed it. 

I appreciate that you’re doing this series, but I’ll be waiting for MGS on up. The early games are fairly trash imo, but I understand needing to go over them in a "history of Metal Gear" series. 

Typical deadspin extreme hot takes, where everyone is complete ass or nut-bustingly incredible. You can smell the self-importance from a mile away 

Seen a lot of love for Gris but I also frequent PC Gamer, and they weren’t so rosy on it. They gave it a 60/100 and the author noted it failed to comment much on the themes it tackled outside of the visuals. Basically it didn’t say much, rather just showed a bunch of cool looking things, and they were looking for more

Oh fuck off. 

It really looks like that QB stepped passed the LOS on that throw 

Careful Suzy, you might pop a vessel being so self-righteous 

Fair and square would be dropping the gloves after both agreeing to fight. That's not what happened here. Wilson waited until Oleksiak was tied up in a play and moved in.

To me, the biggest actual draw of PC gaming has to be the focus on performance, mods, and a preference for mouse and keyboard. If you've never been a stickler for, or have moves passed those few things, building a PC really doesn't make much sense if you're perfectly happy on console. 

“It looked like a western, cyberpunk racer and had some Cowboy Bebop flair”

Lol this is so not true. 

That was a pretty shit job of tackling, tho. I’m sure those guys that are 60lbs lighter than Henry shouldn't have tried to tackle him up high. 

I'd say taking your time is infinitely better. There are so many places racing to get content out for the newest games that, by going to sites and browsing YouTube, it's easy to feel like you're behind and need to play catch up with what's new. However, doing that also means you have to rush through stuff, might skip

Devs are going to end up selling more individual copies on Steam anyhow, regardless of how much money they get paid. So they’ll more than likely have their games on both services, should they be allowed to, rather than jumping ship entirely. An indie Dev selling 10k copies (random guess for what you’d expect to sell

Steam is established and has been making boatloads of money for years. Epic isn’t even as big as EA or Ubi, let alone Valve, and neither of them could do it. So I understand the skepticism about this. 

“Look at EA’s Origin and Ubisofts uplay. They don’t have near the same pull as Steam, have you noticed either platform folding and preventing players from playing their games?”