
“I think white people won’t do anything until other white people tell them they need to wake up.”

They have and...they have??.... Unless you think the millions of white people speaking out on social media about the subject, and the thousands that have marched in protests, are “not doing anything”. Oh, I see, we need

Glad youre lowering your level to creating sterotypes about white people and pretending its not bigotry!

It won’t matter tho. The guns will be far too accurate for the era, and thr maps will just be corridor mazes designed to get you to an enemy as fast as possible.

This is a joke, right? A return to form for COD isn’t being able to throw a stun grenade and run and gun. A “return”, the ones that fans are actually looking for, isn’t shoehorning sights onto weapons, somethinv that very few soldiers would even use in actual combat. A “return” would be classic iron sights, needing to

Suspicious that yours is a perfectly valid rebuttal to the sensationalism of this article with a bunch of likes (more than any of the comments above it) and yet I had to scroll pretty far down to find it. Almost like Kinja is purposefully burying a dissenting opinion against Splinter.


You should figure out how that actually works and apply it to everything you write.

Jesus fuck dude, go write on your own blog, dont make me scroll through an entire articles worth of your comments.

Apparently you missed that whole shit last week with the Nazi rally and millions of white people explaining that away as “defending history”.

Someone getting a concussion from taking a pitch to the head: “Outlandish! Should be banned from the sport!”

Someone getting a concussion by taking part in a fight that probably didnt concern them in the first place: “Its a treasure”

Counterpoint: If this shit is ok, so should pitchers taking shots at players. Its all the same dick swinging over very little done by men that should act like men instead of children.


Who gives a shit?

Honestly, this guy was just a sad man trying to add mass to cover up the fact that he deeply hated himself or had issues. Hes an “inspiration” insomuch as hes probably inspired a few individuals out there to take a fuck ton of steroids and get “swoll” and start talking about working out on YouTube.


Who the hell is this kid, because he definitely is adorable

He should just stay irrelevant. He was always an overrated douchebag to begin with

He’s a washed up, egotistical hack who’s always thought that his old games were great because he was the “idea man”, when it was in fact all the talented grunts doing all the hard work while he took all the credit. The dude wore a leather jacket and sunglasses fucking everywhere, for years, and I’m pretty sure he

“the train wreck that is PC gaming”

Its really not a train wreck. Can it be a hassle sometimes? In certain, rare scenarios, yes it can. But building and maintaining a gaming PC has gotten incredibly simple over the years.  

$500? No. $5k-$10k though? Thats just an insane estimate. If you want to do 4k 60fps right now, you can make it happen for about $2k, which is much more expensive than an Xbox One, but there are also other benefits to owning a PC that make up that price point IMO.

Antifa shows up anywhere there is a rally concerning a big liberal issue. But let’s not pretend that the majority of the people there were Antifa. Charlottesville is a liberal city. Nazis stepped into the lions den. Most of the anti-fascist protesters there were from Charlottesville.

Not that which incites violence, such as that used by these Nazi scum. “Die Nigger” I believe I heard.

I’d revise the title of the article as it’s unclear as to what “broke” means. I thought the article was going to be about money woes, not injuries. Unless that was the point, since reading about people being broke money-wise probably gets more clicks.

Antifa are scum because why, exactly? Because they get violent and destroy some property while also protesting fucking Nazis? So did your grandparents in WWII. Go call them scum if you’re so certain.