
“They are not equal. Both are scum. Both should be condemned.”

“Why we like that Undertale is on consoles now”

Calling these two groups actions equivalent also leads down the slippery slope of people conflating the two groups as “just as bad” as one another, when in fact one is a hate group determined to return America to its former white glory while the other... Well the other isn’t. I don’t want to live in a world where

The leader of the KKK has come out saying they want to deliver on the promises of Donald Trumps election so no, I don’t see all political violence in the same terms, especially not those enacted by a hate group emboldened by the highest office in the land.

The fuck is this character actually doing in this shot? Is she supposed to be sitting on the hood of this vehicle? Doing a backflip? Oh, shes giving the finger. So this screenshot is therefore cool because “the finger”.

You can see that he doesn’t believe what hes saying while hes saying it. He doesn’t have that usual quick Trump response to him. Its almost like he had to plug the mental diarrhea of his own stupid mind to say something that wasn’t total self-indulgent bullshit for a minute and it threw him WAYYYY off.

Yeah, I agree with you mostly, but its also not hard for me to see an instance where they could have come up with a much more accurate and still interesting headline to get people to click.

Granted, I dont really think the headline is THAT far off.

Going just by the sentence he cited (“As the latest salvo in the war

For liquid cooling? IDK, I swapped my mid tower for a full tower, and had the same liquid cooling setup in both (a pre-assembled one from Corsair) and having a full tower definitely did drop my temps by quite a bit. Its also nice to have the spare room for cable management, but thats only if youre really nitpicky

and you always have to make sure just how big it is. Its becoming more and more common for Mini ITX cases to support full-sized graphics cards, but its not the norm, and you can run into space issues. It really sucks to not be thorough enough, get your case and be all ready to build, and find out there isnt enough

Its nice if you can afford a liquid cooled mini ITX build, but most people want to spend as little as possible on the extra, optional stuff while still benefiting from the sheer power of the more expensive pieces, like the CPU and GPU. Those two things put out the most heat into your case. If you have liquid cooling

I’m sorry that so many people are too dumb to see what you did there.

Your use of the term endorsed here kinda works, and I suspect you chose it because it works. That doesn’t make it accurate though. “Inspired” or “influenced” might be the more correct term, because Trumps violent rhetoric has definitely inspired people to be violent because of nationalism, whereas I couldn’t find you

No, they don’t say he’s a black terrorist, mostly because there really isn’t a large sect of African Americans out there, holding meetings, marching, protesting, etc, with the soul purpose of spreading hate, and there are very few actual murders committed by black people with the sole motive of killing someone just

For instance, in my county, a white woman who worked for the county for 30 years was fired from her job because of a disability, and then not granted her disability pension because they county said she has no disability. Now she is suing. Should I take that as proof that white people wanna keep white people down,

Ya, this has nothing to do with white people. Sure, I guess it’s probably safe to assume that the people in charge of the station are white, but then again, I’m fairly certain that they aren’t doing it because they “don’t want black people to have things”. It’s more like they’re a company, interested in making money,

It’s strange that console gamers, and many PC gamers themselves, have always criticized PCs themselves for being big glowing LED messes, but then we would request that the sets for esports events look gaudy or else they seem boring.

They mention gout but as something that, while very painful, is less painful than something such as shingles.

The difference being that tax loopholes and farm subsidies usually go to people who have jobs already, whereas welfare goes to many people that dont. Also, black people use Medicare too.

Yeah, its so crazy that people dont want a phrase that uses an innocent victims name to be thrown around when it must be so difficult to say “they didnt care when it was us”. No, its totally the classy move to invoke this woman’s name to make youre point, when you have the ability to make that point anyhow.

Its not about the game itself, but the meta narrative its trying to tell. MGS brings together video games, their audience, and story into one compelling package.