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For anyone that enjoyed this, this video by Super Bunnyhop is probably the best in-depth look at MGS2 out there. I post it every time an MGS 2 article comes out on this site just to try and get more people to watch it. Its fantastic.

It definitely does interfere with the cosplay itself in this scenario, imo, as there is a purple filter over everything in a few of these pictures. Basically the cosplay would look worse without the retouch and filters. To me, that’s too much reliance on stuff besides the costume.

“Black folks on TV are just for stereotypical laughs, not nuanced, honest, uncomfortable thought, right?”

Chapelle’s Show would like to have a word with you... 

I said your response was hipsterish, because it was. I never called YOU a hipster. Just the comment.

No no no no. See, I wasn’t trying to disparage sous vide, I was merely trying to explain that I, and others, perceive and appreciate a well done steak over flame or flat top vs a sous vide steak. I’m not trying to imply that one is definitely better than the other or say that people who cook that way are wrong, just

“You call me hipster. I call you ignorant, and that’s not an ad hominem attack, because you have demonstrated that you have no clue what you are talking about.”

Whoa! Someone is quick to get triggered. I never said you were a hipster. Not once. I know its more fun to get triggered, but reading is also fun, trust me!


This is the most hipster response possible. Congratulations.

To some, those things seem like cheating. “Put this bag in some water and select a setting and go watch TV” isn’t exactly what people think of when they think of chefs. They think of, you know, fire over a grill and attention to detail and all that Jazz. Personally, there is something a little off-putting about

That works if you spend most of your time on one site. Doesn’t take into account the people who dont/can’t learn the tastes of individual writers, which I assume is a reasonably big number, and one that shouldn’t be ignored.

The constant reaching for good things to say about The Switch on this site has gotten a bit ridiculous.

Its become this difficult since people are so quick to get out the pitchforks for every perceived instance of “whitewashing” nowadays. You wanted studios to think harder when these casting decisions come up, now youre writing an article mocking them for taking said time? Can these studios win?

Also, this article is

Then don’t play the game. Simple as that. If it’s illegal Blizzard will CnD them and the server will shut down and the players won’t be able to play. If they don’t shut them down, that’s Blizzards choice. You can still play WoW in its current state, how Blizzard intends, or you can not.

People need to stop arguing if it’s piracy or not. It is.

It’s not piracy because they didn’t steal anything from Blizzard, they are using openly available code and information.

Lol “While all these plebs talk about GLOW I’m gonna tell Yall about the REAL first women of wrestling”

“New hardware that runs games perfectly at current standard resolutions” is a great way to play old games.

People like to kick Nintendo because they haven’t known what gamers want for two generations now. Sorry that the warranted push back against them has faded some people’s rose colored glasses. They’re a business, they make mistakes, and they should be called out on them, no matter how much people like Mario or Metroid

The portability thing is a moot point. You either care about it or you don’t. Either way, unless it uses the gyroscope or joycons in a specific way, portable or not, you’re still playing the same game you did before. “But I can play it on the bus!” doesn’t really mean anything. You’re still playing Skyrim at the end

Here here! It’s kinda ridiculous that Nintendo is being praised for this kind of thing when Playstation or Microsoft do this all the time and it’s met with negativity. “All they have to offer is ports and Remasters” was what I heard at the PS4 launch, but somehow giving you games from 04 and Minecraft is great when

If it was possible for people to get a warning just because their whole team reported them, wouldn’t that just encourage trolls to team up as a 5 man and report the random person they get paired up with? It’s not beyond the realm of possibility, with the current amount of trolls in the game, to run into that a few