
Ya, it’s probably infinitely difficult to have to wade through all the illegitimate troll reports in order to get down to the ones that are legitimate. There’s probably a high threshold for ban reports just because of trolls who report people for troll reasons. What’s worse, dealing with trolls who ruin your game, or

This is a problem with most shooters and, to be honest, its that way because trolling goes both ways. Some people just report people for all kinds of things. There could be a valid complaint there, but if I got banned because a string of douchey teammates decided that I wasn’t doing exactly what they wanted me to do,

I hope that’s true, as I would like to see another Evangelion movie, but this guy was already owed back royalties and only got the money he lent Them back. He is still owed royalties, and if I was him, after being forced to take them to court because they tried to screw me over TWICE, enough for me to have to actually

I’ve heard of Rising Storm: Vietnam but never Rising Sun: Vietnam....

Go back to what? The same meat grinder gameplay it’s had since forever? Most of us were hoping a return to the slower paced COD of the original, at least I was, over a reskin, which is what this looks to be, to me.

That must be one Hell of a meat grinder to top BF1.

It’s almost like they’re designing this portion themselves, rather than remaking something that already exists.....

Yeah man, the place that likes to rail against objectification against women in games also likes to consistently run articles about cosplay that are 90% thin and attractive people. Inclusion is a great principal, but only when it doesn’t cost clicks, apparently. Them convictions doe!

Id be lying if I said I hadnt done the same so, its all good.

Yo man, thanks for the last post. I never meant to turn it into anything more than a debate scenario, so I hope it didnt go beyond that for you. I cant help but argue my points in situations like this, but you brought up some valid points that made me reconsider my assertions. Either way, you have a good day too

So they finally shut down the guys running one cheat mod, after making a non-cheat mod shut down as well. Makes sense.... Fuck Take Two.

Wait a second, that euro gamer article tests the PC at 4k with a Titan X, and it’s comparing performance to the PS4 and Xbox One at 1080p. This isn’t an accurate comparison at all. The Xbox One and PS4 versions might be using some mix of very high and ultra, but they aren’t running in 4k.

Just your tone in general tells me you get far too worked up over this conversation. A conversation that comes down to differences so negligible it kinda makes me feel bad I’ve taken part in it this long. I’ll concede to your correctness on sheer numbers, but I also find really anything above 40fps entirely playable,

If I’m “shooting off at the mouth” it’s because I was unaware of the console versions overall equivalent quality settings to the PC, something I asked you to provide a while ago. Seeing that, I can say that the quality I’d have to play at is definitely lower, with the caveat that the actual visual difference between

“And that’s where the bullshit ends. You cannot prove it even though it would’ve taken less time than any of your responses.”

“You claimed 4k 60fps, not 4k 57 average sometimes 40s sometimes 80s with a custom blend of settings, ini tweaks, and sacrifices because you’re using the wrong card.”

Who has said that $499 is too much for what’s being offered? Nobody is saying that. What these quotes are, is by analysts, people who do this for a living. They are saying that, overall, consumers don’t typically like to part with $500 for a console, no matter what kind of power or specific functionality it offers.

Now playing

Heres another video that proves my point. The guy is using all high settings to do this test, and he gets 60fps nearly the entire time. Does it drop below that into the 50s and 40s a few times? Sure. It also goes all the way up into the 70s. Id say this video looks pretty playable.

I never claimed that a 1070 wouldnt

“He goes into depth about how a 3 games released in 2013 are playable at 4k near 60fps with noticeable declines in quality. If you consider medium settings for 3 year old games 4k ready for the 1070 you’re more delusional than I thought.”

See, again we’re bringing up subjective terms here. Do I consider medium settings

“The difference in 50 and 60 FPS is 20% something that lowering a few settings ain’t going to work at 4k.”

How would you know? Really, how would you know? You havent provided me with a single test that shows anything below Ultra quality, and yet youre telling me that you know exactly how much performance gain you can