
I think the burden of proof should fall on you, actually, considering I’ve claimed that GTA 5 can run at 4k 60fps with a 1070 on high and medium settings, and I provided a video showing someone choosing those settings, booting the game up, and reaching that framerate.

“There’s no combination of settings and overclock that matches your claims that would result in a game experience that people would consider playable.”

“My problem with your claims it you’re exaggerating the performance of your rig in lieu of plenty of professional evidence to the contrary that the 1070 is an excellent 1440p card and a decent 4k card but not one close to hitting solid 60fps or even average 60 fps performance on recent AAA titles without significant

“Digital Foundry reports Destiny 2 in 4k running the 1080 Ti which is 30+% more powerful than the 1080 which is 30+% more powerful than the 1070 - well except your magical super sick one that outperforms every card on the planet.”

Now playing

“That comment and the following dissertation stand in direct opposition to each other.”

All I have to say on that one is, how?

“Page 5 of the review: “

Thank you for finally providing the proper context to the graph you presented, like you should have from the start.

“there are countless other professional review sites

Now playing

Damn, you certainly got a stick up your ass for no apparent reason. Its almost like this discussion was a mere conversation to me, whereas this REALLY means something to you. At least it seems that way from the overwhelming amount of snark you threw my way.

How dare I suggest that an old, outdated benchmark from

OK man you’re right, I’m lying to you to win some random argument with a dude on the internet... Whatever you say.

Well in my situation, me and the GF don’t have cable and use the PS4 as our streaming and gaming box on the big TV. If I wanna use the TV or PS4 we can’t use them at the same time, but I can play or watch whatever I want on my computer. If she wants to play Bloodborne, I can go play CS:GO on the computer.

Thanks I mean, I’m not here to tear down fans of consoles. I own them myself. The PC Master Race can be toxic as fuck like that. I understand why people buy consoles, I just like to point out how misleading console hype can be and how the PC isn’t really “so much more” than a console. It’s different strokes. If you

It’s funny, any time I bring up the additional functionality of the PC as a reason for spending the extra money over a console, people always say that they “have a computer or tablet for that”. So, by that argument, why don’t you then add in the cost of said laptop/tablet to the cost of the console?

It can’t push it “reliably” as each game is different and optimization for PC is difficult and often times lazily done. That being said, there are plenty of titles that I can reach 50-60 range (the difference between them being negligible at best, to me) with some settings tweaks. There are tons more less demanding

That some games won’t run at 4k 60fps is a given, but you wouldn’t know that if you weren’t familiar, and Microsoft intentionally saying it can do 4k 60fps without any caveats in their marketing material IS misleading. Those who aren’t familiar with the tech will just see that line and think it’s true, when it’s not.

A GTX 1070 is about $350 right now, I have it in my rig currently, and I can use it to play GTA 5 at 4k ~60fps on high settings. Considering the Xbox One X is probably going to play its games at 30fps and not 60fps (I dont believe they’ve said any other games will run at 60fps besides Forza, and racing games for a new

this is false lol

As an owner of a 1070 as well, my 4k monitor and copy of GTA5 would like to refute your previous claim that “The 1070 cannot play AAA games in 4k 60fps and the X1X can. Thus the $379 1070 is weaker than the new Xbox” 

In fact, my 1070 and 6700k can play most AAA games at 60 fps in 4k. Obviously there are some settings

The lack of mobility is kinda the point. It creates tense moments. There is plenty of time spent in the game where you don’t fight, so I don’t agree with adding more options to avoid it generally.

Glad to see all the hypocritical Nintendo fanboys coming outta the woodwork to bust a nut and get excited for the LOGO for Metroid Prime 4, when every E3 prior to this they’re on Sony and Microsoft articles going “but they never show any gameplay, its always cinematic trailers. How can you get excited for a cinematic.

Literally the last two E3's on Sony’s side were “one hit after another”.

People keep saying “Nintendo won” this E3 and I really just dont see it.

None of what they’ve presented makes me want to buy a Switch.

Sure, Odyssey looks good, but its still just more of the cutesy Nintendo aesthetic. Its Mario 64 with an added hat mechanic. Same with Kirby and Yoshi: cute side-scrollers.


You mean a trailer that showed absolutely no gameplay at all? Thats got you excited? Jesus, try and be a bit less biased here. Everyone gives shit to Microsoft and Sony for announcing games and having trailers with no “gameplay” and the Metroid trailer was literally a fucking logo announcing the game exists.