
“Dont give this guy a platform” is just shorthand for “censor ideas we dont agree with so that people dont have to make decisions for themselves”

News flash: NBC is considered a news organization. Alex Jones and Infowars is “newsworthy”. I dont like the guy either. Hes a fucking moron creep, but I ALSO believe in

Lol at the guy who makes the obvious fan boy pandering comment of (Paraphrasing) “Microsofts conference was all GAMES and Sonys was SHIT!” who then goes on to say “I mean, you do you, but acting like console exclusives aren’t exclusives is a lame fanboy argument to me.”

It would be very different because he already owns a PC, manufactured by a company that isn’t MS, meaning he doesn’t have to go out and put $500 in their pocket just to play it. Sure, he might have to buy the game from the Windows Store, in which case MS still makes a bit of profit, but that’s much different than

In case you haven’t noticed, the streaming library for PS Now is very small. The PS4 games you’ll be able to stream will be old launch PS4 games, and a limited amount of them at that. Sony does it intentionally. You put up the games you’ve reasonably sold the most of and probably won’t sell more of to a new PS4 owner

It was both, actually

You obviously haven’t watched this series, or any of the other ones the Penguins have been in. Crosby has been on the receiving end of much worse in all of these series. Don’t poke the bear and not expect some retribution at some point.

Ya it’s almost like it was a tied series and the Penguins were playing at home to take the lead in the Stanley Cup finals or something!

This article is trash designed purely to pile on Mike Millbury, rather than to actually comment on the on-ice product here.

Nothing about The Crew was ever meant to be realistic....

“You know how I know you’re a troll...you respond to literally everyone who comments, you can’t follow a thread, you aren’t interested in having a genuine exchange of ideas...all you’re here to do is stir up shit.”

So, the guy that cant follow a thread has been following and responding to a thread for 7 hours? What?


Colin Kaepernick: Is bad. Surrounded by controversy and negative attention that could displease your fan base.

Every other QB you listed: Barely worse than Kaepernick, not surrounded by controversy and negative attention that could displease your fan base.

Can I smoke some of that crack you have too?

Thank you for contributing another article that puts the focus on a mans penis size. Its almost like objectification works both ways!

He sounds black to you? His voice just sounds gravely on a general sense. Cant say I get black or white from just the voice but, with the voice AND how he looks, I’ve always said he’s a gravely voiced white guy. I think people saying he’s black are seriously reaching, with arguments like “His name is Jet BLACK, so he

A simple glance of Jet’s picture above would show you he’s definitely not black. But what does that matter when Internet race rage is so much more fun!

While I completely agree on all the other crew members and the mukti-cultural future, I’d say that anyone who says that Jet is supposed to be black is really reaching. I’ve never thought him to be black, and I’ve watched the show dozens of times through. He’s never once looked like he has a black skin tone, and they

So, you started before this generation then.

The NFL has the shortest season of any of the 4 major sports. They play 16 games, and 80-90% of all football games are commercials. You get 8 minutes of actual playing time in your average football game. So, yeah, concussions suck and the league is filthy. All those things need to be addressed. But let’s not make it

That people are worried that something like this is going to absolve Trump of criticism and pressure on the Russia issue says to me that liberal media just isn’t very effective at holding his feet to the fire. You’re telling me the media is going to fail at holding Trump to task now because of something Kathy Griffin

If “The Resistance” as everyone likes to call it, is so frail that a publicity stunt from some D-list comedian can derail it, I’m very confused as to the strength said resistance had in the first place