
“Hillary was the best thing to happen to America since FDR. She’s done way more for black women than Obama ever did.”

“but they won’t change the underlying logic or ideology that places Black folk at the bottom of the social, economic, and racial hierarchy.”

Uh, who gives a fuck how harshly Cosby is portrayed? He drugged and raped 50 women. He can go get fucked in the court of public opinion for whatever reason they have. He’s scum. Racism having a role in it doesn’t matter. Yeah, maybe white people that do such crimes should be derided as much. So what? Cosby is getting

The difference with Ben Roethlisberger is that his court case was settled out of court. His case is over. The public still regularly references it and belittles him for it. He has far from distanced himself from it. Stations in Pittsburgh and official NFL related media obviously shy away from bringing it up because

Yes, because being a white woman who is drugged and unable to defend herself from the sexual advances of a stronger-than-them and very famous and beloved black Hollywood actor is the obviously better position to be in. Take your racial excuses and fuck yourself. Rape should be taken seriously, at all times.

Take the

“If it doesn’t push back against the system what’s the point. Why should I give a fuck about an “accomplishment” if its not connected to any tangible advancement.”

Obama definitely did “push back against the system” in many ways. That it didn’t go as far as you’d have liked isn’t a failure, just a realistic product of

So, more new entries in franchises as worn out as old shoe leather? Yippee?

The people that complain about review scores are mental midgets. That they can’t read a full review, and instead immediately jump to the score and then to the comments section to complain, isn’t the fault of anyone but the readers. The content is there. The reasons for the score are there. Don’t agree? That’s cool.

So the producers of this probably shitty movie in particular didnt learn their lesson, so that means the lesson is a failure? Thats some reaching. There could also be plenty of producers who ARENT involved in this production who have heard the message loud and clear. But ya, this one movies producers are indicative of

And people bitched about ScarJo on social media since Ghost in the Shell was announced and you got nothing from the studio making it except statements as to how it was a good idea. How’d that social pressure do for you? Result in any change whatsoever? I mean, besides the people that agree with each other online

Meh, all her “phases” are pre-planned nonsense based off of whats popular at the time. I doubt it has anything to do with the men in her life.

To be fair, how many people actually give a shit about Liam Hemsworth that their reconciliation would constitute some sort of ability to stay relevant just based on being a couple?

“I know I’ve never met Obama but I’m gonna take the time to write an entire article claiming black victimhood in this scenario because the people who totally knew Obama and even dated him, had deeply personal relationships with him, and even fucked the guy, dont really know Obama like I know Obama, cuz blackness.

Is it not also possible that all the women Obama was dating or who are giving their accounts here are “Ivy league-educated, beautiful, smart and ambitious” as well? Is it not possible that he did, in fact, desire to sway more towards his “blackness” as a form of self-identification and political motivation while ALSO

Reaching back 5 years for an article?

Seriously. It’s almost to the level of the hair in the create a character mode for the old WWE games for PS2.

I keep hearing this and, having played both, I couldn’t find anything wrong with Aloy or the animations in Horizon and I can’t say Witcher 3 does it any better.

Does anyone else think the braids in the textureless model look like intestines?

Considering PSVR runs at a suboptimal resolution just to pull VR off, the PS4 itself is a much more powerful machine than the Switch, and that the Switch has trouble running Zelda at 30fps in 1080p, I don’t think the Switch can even run VR, let alone SHOULD they try it. They’d either deliver something with horribly

Your thoughts on FEAR are, in fact, looking back with rose colored glasses. FEAR had dynamic lighting, but it was much simpler than what we have now. Rendering dynamic lighting in a corridor shooter with limited light sources is far different than what we have now with dynamic lighting across an entire open world cast