
If there ever were “hockey gods” they’d smile upon us as they should and deliver an Oilers, Penguins final. Mcdavid v Crosby would be one for the ages.

Drew writes like a bad Matthew Berry responding to is mailbag except he thinks hes somehow edgier because he writes articles as vapid as this.

As someone who grew up in Pittsburgh, moved away to “liberal” California, and then came back, I can tell you that there are PLENTy of Liberal young Americans living in the city, more than when I was a kid, and more than before I left in 2006. We elected Obama both times. The problem isn’t people in the city, so much

That was so long ago though, we’ve had the capability to render jungle environments well for two generations now.

So lemme tell you, if you want a great FPS set in Vietnam check out Rising Storm 2: Vietnam. It’s by the guys that made Red Orchestra 2, one of my favorite FPS of all time (PC only tho). If you favor your multi-player fps to be slow yet highly skill based and for each kill to feel gratifying, you’ll like it.

I kinda took it as that right off the bat but to each his own I guess

Is it not common for a black celebrity who grew up in the streets to want to tell their story, even though they are no longer considered part of that community because of their wealth? How is this different than that? They both want to tell stories more in touch with the people and area they grew up in.

Im just not really sure that re-releases of games that people had on the Wii U, or the sequel to Splatoon, will be enough of a draw to keep people invested until Odyssey comes out

Ya I, like you, dont really see people having much to play between the time Mario Kart, Splatoon, and Smash come out, and the arrival of Odyssey. Those games have been out on other systems before. If you were someone that upgraded from a Wii U to a Switch, why would you purchase those games again? If it was me, as a no

The 570 and a cheap Ryzen CPU seem to be the budget sweet spot for 1080p atm.

I have no hate for AMD. I had one r9 290 for years that tackled everything, and upgraded to two of them for crossfire not long after. They lasted me for years and years and I didn’t even NEED to upgrade them, I just decided to. That I got that many years out of those cards in almost all games at ultra settings over

Turtles in time or GTFO

So the “you can take the gangster out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the gangster” defense? Please, any person with any sort of character or intelligence would have left that shit behind long ago in favor if making millions of dollars and having a family. Whatever failings of society you’re talking

People who arrogantly boast about not having kids, like it makes them better than other people, are just as annoying as people that arrogantly boast about having kids, like that makes them better than other people. Congrats, you made a different life decision than another person! Nobody cares!

I have to say, as someone with a gaming PC capable of 4K 60 in a bunch of games, Horizon is by far the best looking game I’ve ever played. Even running at 30 fps, the game feels very smooth in comparison to games running at 30fps on PC. The whole game is just so smooth and there is so much to take in, I regularly sit

Cry more. He got there before you, fair and square, and took advantage of retailers that would let him buy more than one, and a situation in which there would be high demand. Don’t like scalpers? Don’t buy from them! Really Doubtful that scalpers had a significant impact on most people not being able to buy one - that

Eat a dick

Oh fuck right off. This has been a thing forever. Don’t tell people how to make an easy $600. Not his fault Nintendo doesn’t supply enough, meaning he can charge that much online for one, and that someone was willing to pay for it

“Its strong early sales was indeed a bit of a surprise”

Nintendo knew the Switch was going to be a success. The pre-orders for it smashed records at retailers well before launch. It’s a mistake that Nintendo didn’t have more available at launch. They’re either trying to inflate demand or are just plain stupid. I would have gotten a Switch at launch. I went out looking for